
you’re correct, it’s the socialism and not the sanctions and embargos. after a couple failed u.s. coups, there’s sanctions on venezuela and the country can’t easily sell the shitloads of oil they have. cubans are driving 1950s cars because Castro wants them to, not because the u.s. will fuck you up if you do business

If I remember my Cold War end-of-the-world lore correctly, the SOP for killing everything on earth on the Soviet side subs carrying Armageddon onboard needed to have the seaborne captain and the waterlogged head of the politburo sign off on a launch. The particular sub happened to have TWO captains aboard when the

The U.S. dropped a nuclear bomb on North Carolina (iirc) and can’t find it. We all played fast and loose with nuclear stuff during the cold war and I’m amazed we’re all here still. 

“ovich” is patronymic in Russian, so translated, it’d be Vladimir, son of Vladimir then a last name. It’d be like if the west did our patronymic surnames as middle names like John Johnson Smith or whatever.

This isn’t on a yacht or behind a bush. This happened in a facility with shitloads of cameras. Weird to just brush off the complainant like this with absolutely no disclosed evidence either way, but whatever. You do you, believe-victims guy.

My ex lugs around a pair of St. Bernard’s in her Crosstrek. They’re plenty big for big-ass dogs. 

stewart copeland is american and his dad was in the CIA lol 

Pretty sure Doll Nadja already shot Collinrobinson down once. She must be desperate if she’s going to try and drink from that well

I have depression, and its symptoms have been more or less taken care of by increasingly large dosages of prescription medication. In the the last week, I’ve had experienced the return of some intrusive thoughts and I was almost in a panic regarding the efficacy of my medication. Then I remembered I’m reading “Blood

The BluesBlocker extension is a Godsend. 

i saw a pair of dudes in a professionally-marked box truck and NY plates just nudge a bridge up the road in CT a few hours ago. I’m glad I was headed in the other direction and didn’t have to deal with them trying to extricate themselves from a low bridge.

I picked up a COD game for the first time in eight or nine years last fall because a gal I was seeing wanted to get back into playing it. She’s better than me, and I enjoyed getting back into MP for the first time in ages. 

I half hoped she’d let the know that was her last Top Chef finale as host, but then quickly realized that it wasn’t about her in that moment, so probably good to keep it close to the vest. She’ll be missed - she was great .Taste the Nation is really good, so I’m happy about that. 

Yeah, I lived in a very rural town in Iowa with about half as many people in the entire county compared to what I  have in my current neighborhood. Anyway, people would fly in from Texas and other states to buy there because they’d give them what they wanted at a fair price. Dunno if they still do as ownership has

Has the reliability improved? I’m finally in the position where I’m considering spending some actual money on a new car and I’d love to throw a Giulia into consideration. I see them all the time in my neck of the woods and I think they’re much prettier than their German counterparts. 

a $2k fine for people “in attendance” is pretty bad, imo. if someone down the block is raising all sorts of hell, and i go outside and watch the hellraising, i’m subject to a month’s rent for witnessing a crime? jeeze

Oh nooooooo, the owner at Blubitiblue Ford might not pocket some middleman money :(

like, leave your house to go shoot people? the fuck is wrong with you? 

This looks like it’ll be a fine replacement for my ‘16 Forester when it’s time. I prefer the wagon build more than the crossover/SUV, but I’m not a giant fan of the CVT. It’ll do a fine job of getting me around New England during mud season, at least. 

It was a lot easier, but I’d be furious to be made to do front of the house stuff and rely on your team to execute your dish in regular top chef, but the talent is so, so good I’m glad they all got to cook instead of 25% of the remaining cooks potentially on the chopping block for something not food related. I would