
Australian dude suggested to Carlos that he wear Smith’s left glove. He also rocked an Olympic Project for Human Rights badge on the stand. He was a pariah in Australia for what he did. Carlos and Smith were pallbearers at his funeral. His country eventually gave him a posthumous apology.

TBF, after you score a touchdown, some cosplayers shoot blanks from some muskets. Isn’t that celebration enough?

Im just a lifelong Pats fan chillin in the grays. Ive got no replies to the charges laid out here except for yup and no argument from me.

For not even knowing there was a new Tetris game coming out and having not played it since the original GameBoy days, that PSVR trailer was downright soothing to watch. I dont even own a PS4 Pro, much less PSVR equipment and it kinda makes me want to spend hundreds of dollars to play Tetris. Wierd. Red Dead looks amaz

If it’s just ground beef, then that’s a problem. A good meatloaf should be made, as sybann noted, with a meatball-like mixture of beef and pork, or as I prefer, beef/pork/veal in a 1:1 or a 1:1:1 mixture. My wife hates both meat in loaf and ball form, so I rarely get to make it, but I love both meatballs and

I’m currently paying for no commercials Hulu, but I rarely binge anything through that service now that I’m all caught up (permanently :( ) on Last Man on Earth. My 30-something wife is finishing up a degree, so this seems like a great price point to jump on Spotify Premium and get to watch Baron Cohen’s Showtime show

Kamala Harris is a cop. All cops are bastards. Ipso facto, Harris is a bastard. I expected nothing different.

Personnel, not personal. An administrator isn’t gonna say shit about job performance publicly because the district would likely get sued for “disparaging” this asshole teacher. It’s a matter personnel (the people that work for the district) not a personal matter with the teacher and the student.

My fat 60gb ps3 yellow lighted on me in 2011 and I couldnt get it working again. I cant imagine I wrote the serial number down anywhere and I definitely dont have the box. I bought it in 2007. Bummer.

I never cared for the Z3 or Z4, but I think this is a beaut. Either BMW made a nice looking roadster or Ive just aged myself into liking this sort of thing.

Piss tape, friend. It’s called “The Piss Tape.” 

I adored both shows. I was a “Soup” fan back to the Greg Kinear days. Wolf did a great job. RIP, both of ‘em.

So you’re saying you would be provoked into assaulting someone for something they did, huh?

Heck, an open admission of guilt isnt enough to kill someone in my opinion

Shes a cop. Voting for the former head of California’s law enforcement is not something Id be excited to do. She has my vote if shes the nominee, but I cant imagine supporting her in the primary.

And its not even some dolt from Southie. Its Dorchester! Not that it should matter if it the town were Whiteistan McWhateverthefuck, but its a majority-black neighborhood. White people are like a quarter of the population. Fuck that dude. Go pound sand, Dumb Brady, and may your neighbors, who are nearly all POC,

All of his public access and Fusion stuff is up on YouTube - more than 100 hours of some very funny TV. Ill forever have a juvenile sense of humor. For that reason, the public access episode “The Beef Off might be the hardest Ive laughed in years. The news of the cancellation is a bummer. Im glad Ive still got hou

The president of the NAACP from 1931 to 1955 described himself as “a Negro. My skin is white, my eyes are blue, my hair is blond. The traits of my race are nowhere visible upon me.” He obviously passed as white with the blond hair and whatnot, which let him investigate lynchings first hand. He’s a fascinating dude who

No, my son is also named BORDT. 

100% correct. EMS folks have to treat anyone who is not able to articulate the fact that they dont want to be treated and not obviously dead. My wifes a paramedic. They dont check your insurance card. They shouldnt give one solitary fuck if you have insurance. Their job is to get you to the hospital as quickly as p