
Forgive me for the faux pas, but ALL VOTERS should be demanding of the same of the DNC. All 5 should be in the party platform, and they’re not. Get your shit together, Democratic Party. Look where the enthusiasm is. What you’re doing is not winning over white people in Iowa.

Old story, but there absolutely is an intelligence test. You can be barred from being a cop if you score too highly.

Its like someone watched the Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody’s Ass” episode of IASIP and thought the illiterate, glue huffing rat-basher was somebody to emulate.

Google Sammy Sosa hat, Darius, Atlanta

As an Iowan and journalist, I just had the displeasure of writing an editorial letting our readership (70% supported Trump in 2016 - Im in deep red Steve King country) know that as farmers, you reap what you sow. He promised a trade war, and what do you know, hes delivering. Of course affected nations are going to pu

If it were available in the U.S., I would 100% buy one brand new, and I’ve never bought a brand new car before.

Also, man, I haven’t thought about Dana Carvey in, what, decades?

Why would the EMTs be off the hook? They’ve got standing orders under direction from a medical doctor who’s license they operate under. Deviation from that and you can lose you job and licesnse.

Well shit, now I want to hear the full version of a St. Vincent cover of 46&2

I wanna say she was an MTV UK veejay or something else on camera on that network? She had never acted professionally before her role on The Good Place.

Guacamole works best when it’s had some time to intermingle the flavors anyway. It seems like tableside prep would give me a less desirable product in the end.

I gave the show a chance specifically because Sykes was on board along with the orginial cast. The only reason I could look past Roseanne-the-person’s BS was love for the original sitcom plus having Sykes in the room, but I’m happy to exit alongside Wanda.

Absolutely beautiful! My stepdad’s nearly done with his frame off resto on his TR3. I was supposed to have taken it to prom but it wasn’t ready. But, I graduated high school in 2001. Hopefully he gets it finished soon so I can at least sit in the thing before I’m too fat to get in or out of it.

Republicans have been trying to separate the nutrition portion and the ag policy portions of the Farm Bill since at least the last one in 2013 because they see it as a way to choke the nutrition program portion of it without harming their farming constituents. Republicans absolutely want to cut SNAP, but the only way

Yes, SNAP funds are allocated in the Farm Bill. Yes, there are lots of welfare for farmers program, but SNAP isn’t a welfare for farmers program. It exists in the Farm Bill as a way to build a coalition between rural and urban areas. Most of the Farm Bill goes towards nutrition programs like SNAP. Putting ag and