
I’ve always heard it was with John that Jonesy locked horns the most, given they were the most polar opposites in their approach to comedy. Though John has always denied it, people still speculate that Manuel from “Fawlty Towers” was based on Terry.

Nice hacky hit piece on Lucas. I’ll still take his imagination over anyone currently working for Lucasfilm.  : P

I don’t get why people dwell on the nuked fridge so much. Yeah, it was a ridiculously elaborate setup for an otherwise very minor gag, but come on.

I’ll watch Crystal Skull a million times over before I ever watch any of the shitty fanfics that are the 4 Star Wars movies made so far under the Di$ney regime again.

Except, that’s what SW was ultimately conceived as being: a family soap opera with each trilogy focusing on a new generation of Skywalkers and them serving as the window through which we saw this universe. The whole undermining of the character arcs of Luke, Han, and Leia as established by the OT have only served to

As long as they also use the remaining 3 Fleming titles at some point (i.e. "The Property of a Lady," "The Hildebrand Rarity," and "Risico.")

Maybe you should try playing fewer video games. : P Azog and Bolg look far more intimidating to me than any clearly-a-guy-in-a-costume Orc or Uruk-hai from LOTR.

Yep. Tolkien purists are like religious fundamentalists. : P

You folks realize, don't you, that the only characters in the book who are developed any are Bilbo, Thorin, and Gandalf? Thranduil (who didn't even have a proper name until LOTR), Bard, and the Master of Lake-town are all basically cardboard cutouts. As with most books aimed at a younger audience, the narrative is

It's still way better than either of the other 2 animated Tolkien adaptations. : P