
Probablistic forecasting really isn’t that hard to understand. Things with a 30% chance of happening happen all the time. Statistically, they are not even particularly noteworthy. So if anyone was looking at the 538 model and thinking Hillary was a lock, especially late in the race, that is user error, not a problem

I’m not surprised they didn’t address her batting in the pilot. But, as you said, they put her on an NL team. They HAVE to address it at some point. I just hope they don’t go with a trite storyline like, “she gets beaned, but next at bat she hits a walk-off HR while evil pitcher glares at her!” Only thing that would

Haven’t seen the show yet, but I’ll be interested to see if/how they address her batting. Do they write in some misogynistic pitcher throwing at her? Jackie Robinson got thrown at A TON in his career, especially in his rookie year. How do her teammates react to a man intentionally hitting a woman with a 90+ mph

If you don’t know what the terms mean, Hamilton, you can always Google them. No need to be quite so insecure.