Sweet holy hells bells thank you!!!! When I got to the part about Tian, I’m like who in the what now? And then that sentence of Hope and Claire’s mother... Does Claire have a sister name Hope?
Sweet holy hells bells thank you!!!! When I got to the part about Tian, I’m like who in the what now? And then that sentence of Hope and Claire’s mother... Does Claire have a sister name Hope?
I click on things like this hoping for more insightful content then just “this is terrible and we should stop looking at it” and I don’t know why I haven’t learned my lesson yet...
Why the fuck does Blake Shelton look like Ricky from Trailer Park Boys in those two stills at the top and bottom?
You can tell how scared the establishment is of AOC by how hard they’re working to tear her down.
Wait till they make you start filling out TPS Reports in triplicate.
Be Best. We Free.
He also scored four touchdowns in one game!
“There was a fire on board Melania’s plane today.”
All this “watching a pregnant woman” is super creepy.
Many moons ago, before a neighborhood in my big city became crazy gentifried, there would be gay after parties in abandoned warehouses after closing time. It was like a speakeasy and you had to be on a list to get in, then enter via a freight elevator. Then you could order drinks and there were aerialists and other…
The USADA tested Serena right after her win. While they found her levels of Flystorgen, Notgivingfucks & SoDopamine to be off the charts for a regular pro-athlete they still were within Williams’ standard range.
I read Pauly D as Pauly Shore and imagined Shore saying “Have a a canolli, buuuuuddy!”. My 80’s teen years are showing.
MAGA: Motorcycles Are Going Away
“Roller derby is probably one of the last places you’d expect to see a textbook example of #MeToo.”
YEh the minute it became co-ed, this should no longer have been a surprise. (Obviously still something that happened even when women only, but I’m willing to bet exponentially less so)
Sorry not sorry, I have conflicting…
And here in Ireland the exit polls put the Abortion Referendum passing with roughly 68% of the vote in favour of repealing our 8th Amendment which essentially outlawed abortion while also putting the lives of women at risk seeing as even cancer treatments would be denied to a woman if she happened to be pregnant.
eh... the AURORA BOREALIS? At this time of year? At this time of day? Localized within multiple articles across Kinja?
This is Xenu