Beverly Crush-Her

This is hardly the same as a broken bone sticking get through the skin. Strep/thrush/and OG can look pretty darn close. I certainly wouldn’t tell a coworker she had an STI based on Dr. Google, but I didn’t suggest she prescribed treatment. I was more thinking of the fallout depending on how the news was received by

If I have to make a stranger put on a condom before I suck his cock, the terrorists have already won.

Basically, the the evidence for all drugs effects on fetal development is spotty - because it’s damn near impossible to ethically study the effects. When the drug is illicit it’s even harder, the best you get it obvious cases of misuse linked to serious abnormalities.

Can we finally meet at the middle on weed use and health? Its not the worst thing in the universe, nor is it a wholly positive indulgence. Rather than fighting to “smoke weed every day”... Can we accept that it, like any other substance, should be consumed responsibly and in moderation? I’ve never met a person who

Woman who loves women here, and the only thing about Dakota that makes me go ICK is that I’m way too old for her, because I also think she is damned hot.

Hot take: my beloved Sansa Stark is too good for that Jonas person.

Hot take: Rory is a host, Logan is a guest, and Star’s Hollow is Delos’ much much darker theme park geared towards the sickest of customers.

I live in Edmonton and I could 100% get away with that bonnet for at least 3 months of the year.

You absolutely can. Maybe not at Christie Pits, but definitely in High Park, and almost certainly in Bellwoods.

when you find a way to pack and ship Matthew Madfadyen let me know.

It just strikes me as an example of the “narcissistic/co-dependent dance.” In regards to the writer’s “passive-aggressiveness,” her passivity is exactly what draws her friend to her.

Next time she contacts you about the wedding I’d just say “I’m sorry but Partner and I are keeping it small with just family and close friends.” Clearly she’s not in that circle. She can bitch and rage but she has no right to attend a private party. She has not behaved in a way to be considered a close friend.

If you’ve been associated with this person your whole life but haven’t meaningfully confronted them about any of this stuff, the email idea is good, but it’s probably fair to follow that up with at least one live conversation.

Or just one invitation to go fuck herself.

Obligatory seconding

Obligatory comment petitioning for revival of I Thee Dread.

eh, she seems like the kind of woman where screwing her significant other would take you from step A to Hep C.

No, this is pretty much completely subjective on your part. You personally don’t like the term used because you’re... a fundamentalist Christian? A slave to monogamous hetero-normity? I’m not sure, but there’s clearly something going on there.

Thank you for adding some morality policing to this comment thread - we were sorely lacking in it before you showed up.

Luke Skywalker was my first crush. And after seeing him in TFA, Luke can still get it.