I will give you that, he looks fine as hell all grizzled and shit.
I will give you that, he looks fine as hell all grizzled and shit.
One would assume, but even so, I can’t see how they could be similar enough to not see one because you disliked the other. They simply can’t be but so similar.
How about the ladies just stop fucking Republicans?
if i’m currently fucking, should i stop or finish?
Please, please, PLEASE everyone, for the love of all that is holy, keep that asshole troll Locomotive Jones in the greys, do NOT engage with him and DISMISS his replies to you!
I’d like to throw out a congratulations all the smarmy people who thought that Trump wouldn’t have a chance. If you’re a minority in any way shape or form you know that most of the country is still racist, sexist, xenophobic etc. The people who voted green make me sick.
Unsolicited penis questions! Do not drift further unless you want to read. Don’t mean to go off topic...
Back in my day, real men claimed to be playing squash while they were actually slamming their mistresses
Whatever happened to cutting a hole in a vegetable or gourd of some sort, microwaving it for a couple of seconds, and fucking it?
I feel you. It’s true, the biggest fans of musical theatre that I’ve ever known tend to be obsessed with Rent, which in my mind is a complete abomination and why are they always singing SO LOUD UGH.
Heeeyyyy so this is weird, but I have a friend who’s a romance author and she writes some Scottish sexy characters paired with feminist ladies, if you’re interested. (To help with the droughtlander.)
yeah, i love the spot on recreation of Xtina, those low lights!!!
I agree. It’s a specific person not just I’m a sexy nurse!
DontBeSuchaBadHombreTina got caught in a very understandable college situation:
In Canada here, from a small town with at least 1/3 native population, most of us just say “native”.
I have a degree in literature! Her writing sucks
Though, worth noting us Canadian native peeps often use Indian among ourselves (at least where I live). Generally, however, it’s considered off-limits for non native folks to use.