Beverly Crush-Her

I am a white girl who married a brown man. I understand that this article isn’t attacking my actual relationship, it is a criticism of the way brown people are allowed to be portrayed in films and on TV. I think it is possible to criticize a trend without it being an attack on relationships that resemble the ones on

Hair does stop growing eventually, though, just ask Sikh people. For that matter, plenty of men remove their body hair, and it’s a pretty arduous process for many of them.

Is there an obvious difference between cutting your hair and shaving your legs? Really? It seems pretty arbitrary.

Amazing. You’re wonderful.

I probably couldn’t get behind a boob job as artistic expression (though I don’t judge anyone who has one) but I’ll defend the artistic integrity of high heels. I don’t typically wear them myself, but one of my friends is a collector. Some of her shoes are straight up art pieces.

So, to be clear, you DO cut your nails and hair, right? Why? Natural is best, isn’t it?

Exactly. My favorite hobby is giving dudes a rough estimate of how much their wives probably spend on makeup.

Cool story, bro. Maybe doing makeup when you don’t like it or want to be doing it is you bowing to a misogynistic standard of beauty. I wear makeup because it’s fun, and I promise that my bright orange blush and gold lipstick (not to mention my usually unshaved body) are functionally man-repellant, so...

I sew something new for every wedding I go to, because I have so few excuses to sew formal or semi formal clothing. Seriously, seeing the words ‘Dress code: formal’ on a wedding invitation is basically Christmas to me.

SPF powder isn’t very effective, though. You can get physical sunscreens in cream as well, and they are very effective protection against the sun.

You may think that, but I suspect most people prefer to fuck individuals with good complexions, regardless of their gender. 

I have bleached hair that extends past my waist and is coloured pastel pink. Like other commenters have said, the key is to go light on shampoo (I wash twice a week), heavy on conditioner at the tips, and olaplex treatments from my colourist. The big thing is that I don’t ever bleach my own hair, a trained

Have you tried using physical sunblocks instead of chemical sunscreens? I suggest trying out some Asian brands of physical sunblocks. North American chemical sunscreens irritate the hell out of my skin, but Asian brands are tops at sun protection.

Ew? Why ew?

I love the dad glasses. So good.

I didn’t think that the video was particularly sexual. She dances around her room for a bit, but I got the impression it was supposed to be awkward - like a teen making their first embarrassing attempts at sexiness.

Selena Gomez will be turning 25 next month. She is not a child, and she is allowed to be a sexual person even if she doesn’t look the way you think she should.

My reply was to your defense of the spoiler because the movie had been out for ‘nearly a week’. I didn’t blink at the spoiler itself, honestly, but the fact that your response to being called out for it was to double down instead of apologize makes you an asshole.

Chris Pine looks like my grandpa. I’m sure he is a very nice person, but he comes in a distant third after Evans and Hemsworth.

Really?! Nearly a week?! Plenty of people who are going to see the movie wait until a week or two after release to avoid crowds, and yours is the first spoiler I’ve come across. I personally don’t care much about spoilers, so it’s no skin off my nose, but you’re kind of an asshole.