Beverly Crush-Her

For sure, the best Chris is Evans, followed by Hemsworth, Pine, and Pratt. It is known.

Having married a physiotherapist, I have some bad news, ladies: chiropractors (like physiotherapists) are usually employed as contractors and to NOT have health insurance. Womp womp.

I love it, obviously (because Lorde can do no wrong). Seriously, though, this is better than Green Light, which was fine.

I mean, it’s offensive to the ear and you definitely shouldn’t watch/listen to it, but it was produced specifically for her Japanese fans who apparently really loved it. So it’s not culturally offensive, just artistically offensive.

I went to a Kyary Pamyu Pamyu concert once. I am in no way a fan of Japanese pop music but my roommates were going and it looked fun. I was not disappointed, 10/10, best concert I have ever been to.

So you think that the differences in the dating experience for men and for women is because men and women are inherently different and not because society treats men and women differently? Sorry, but I think that’s total bullshit.

Ugh, fucking relax. Plenty of women cheat on their husbands.

Sure, I guess, for some women. I have to say, though, even having been raped I don’t constantly live in fear of being raped again.

I don’t believe it is the chief consideration, either, my comment was directly in response to Joker and Thief’s comment that the idea of maintaining multiple lovers “seems so taxing”. For many of us, there is nothing taxing about it at all.

The changes were made so the story would better reflect our environment today. Young people are increasingly ‘woke’ and actively fighting the system, while when Atwood wrote the book, there was a trend toward complacency among young women. Offred ignoring her mother’s warnings would seem like a very silly plot now.

Ugh. The video is awful and the song sounds like it belongs in 2008. The wooooorst.

This is 100% the best part of non-monogamy. Not having to feel guilty for fantasizing about other people and (even better) feeling like the fantasy is more real because it could happen. It makes me feel less trapped in a relationship.

Eh... If my (male) partner and I were to search for the highest number of willing sex partners we could find, I would surely max out at a higher number. That said, most non-monogamous people are really just looking for a handful of regular casual sex partners to see on the side. My partner has a pretty damn easy time

I think it comes down to whether you like socializing or if you’re more of a homebody. I greatly enjoy the sex I have with men and women who aren’t my husband, but the best parts of my open relationship are the opportunities I have to go out and have a few beers with an attractive stranger.

Yeah, I actually agree that women have an easier time successfully finding extra-curricular sexual partners because of the patriarchy. Not because the patriarchy makes it easier for the woman, but because the patriarchy makes it harder for the man. Fewer women are willing to engage in casual sexual relationships

100%. Triad is a way better term.

They are either under 30 or involved with someone who is under 30, yeah.

I know poly people who use the word throuple, but only ever to describe a triad where all three partners were involved with one another. A triangle of intimacy, I guess, which these people clearly don’t have.

Even if the women aren’t free to see other people, they could still be a closed polyamorous-V. I mean, I think closed poly-Vs are probably pretty unhealthy, but they exist.

It allows me to put pressure on my clitoris with my thigh.