Beverly Crush-Her

This thread is really hilarious to me. Those women aren’t being pleasured in the way you prefer, so they definitely aren’t experiencing pleasure, right? Have you ever been with another women or watched other people have sex? You’d find that women like a wide variety of positions and stimulation. For example, I find

Do you mean the position in the header image? Spooning? That is literally the only position I orgasm in.

I’m going to go in a different direction that the rest of your responses and say that this is fairly ‘normal’ (insofar as anything is normal). He is just expressing a fantasy. If he acted on any of these fantasies without discussion that would be seriously not okay, but discussing fantasies is fine.

I literally send my man out to have actual sex with other women. I’m told I should feel jealous or insecure, but I mostly enjoy a leisurely bath, a glass of wine, and the opportunity to watch Star Trek on Netflix.

Ahem... what is that gif from? I need to know. For reasons.

Calm down, the youths today call women they admire ‘mom’, regardless of age. It’s just slang, and it’s a compliment.

Because he’s English. To him, a ‘holiday’ is a vacation, and an American ‘holiday’ requires clarification.

A cinnamon roll is too good for this world, too pure.

So... Arrival is being robbed and should win in every category, right? Seriously, though, I can’t believe Amy Adams wasn’t nominated for it.

‘Generokee’, amiright?

I am dramatically allergic to that awful product and I have hated it from day 1.

Did you just mansplain large penises to a (probably heterosexual) woman? You realize that vaginas are specifically designed to stretch around the girth of a large cock, right?

No. She was definitely unaffected by the mistake, and while it was she was nervous before she got the results, she appreciates that the clinic has come clean. I honestly don’t know how you managed to read it that way.

This was exactly my thought. Strep and oral gono look almost exactly the same, it isn’t surprising to me that an STI hypochondriac would automatically jump to the conclusion that it was an STI.

He’ll always be the creepy adoptive dad from Juno to me.

She’s 27! That’s old enough for anyone! As a person who dated a 50-year-old when I was 24, I feel perfectly comfortable hooking up with the youth. The universe is paying me back. ;)

Out of curiousity, are you a hetero woman? Because I would say that Dakota Johnson is veeeeery attractive and charismatic. The movies are terrible, but it isn’t her fault.

One was brunet and one was blond - this is the classic way to distinguish between two generic looking white dudes.

Yeah. The movie was bad, but Dakota Johnson was a legitimate delight in it.