The lack of Ariana Grande seems weird, though.
The lack of Ariana Grande seems weird, though.
I have a ‘Gran’ who grudgingly accepts ‘Grandma’ but is REALLY not okay with people calling her ‘Granny’. For her it is partially a cultural thing. ‘Grandma’ and ‘Granny’ are very American, as far as she’s concerned.
And in the late 1800s, some cranky newspaper man was writing about tradition-bucking young parents demanding their kids call them dad.
I give it a pass. She’s still occasionally fucking one of them, another is the nephew of her step father, and the third is from the same veeeeeery small town as her. That checks out.
For sure. I need to protect my delicate face from the sun.
I’d say it’s a good West End bonnet. I could wear it in the Junction or on Queen West, but not in the Entertainment District. I seriously doubt that a straw bonnet would even draw a second glance at High Park.
I live in Toronto, so I’m pretty sure I can get away with wearing that bonnet in the summer. Like, at High Park. Right? Right?!
I am somehow still continually suprised by the narcisissim of (some) parents.
Agreed. I feel like friend ‘break-up’ emails are the mark of a melodramatic diva. Just tell her she isn’t a close enough friend to come to your wedding, then slowly phase her out of your life. Easy peasy.
I find as an adult that it is very easy to cut people from your life without having to send a break up email. I’d explain her her that she isn’t going to be invited to the wedding because you’ve grown apart. You’re keeping it small, and are devoting the few seats you have to friends you are closer to now. That sends a…
Find a partner who doesn’t make you wear pants, man.
You still haven’t explained why you think married people can’t date. Even if they are cheating on their partner, if they are going out to dinner, chatting in cafes, and making out on the regular, they are dating. Dating and cheating are not mutually exclusive.
Why not?
I disagree so vehemently with that tactic that I would honeslty describe my feelings toward it as disgust. How about instead of giving your money to the Conservative Party (and inflating their membership numbers) in order to attempt to affect the vote for their leader, let them pick whatever fucking monster they want…
Don’t hold your breath. I am also Canadian. Kellie Leitch is the front runner to take over the Conservative Party. The strange Nationalism that has been taking hold in almost every other Western nation is starting to take hold here. Pretending we’re immune isn’t going to do us any good.
One would assume they meant in tone or pace, but sure.
It is totally a thing. In my experience, for example, men often can’t ‘perform’ during their first group sex experience. In fact, I know a lot of (young, healthy) swingers who often use enhancements when they know they will have an audience.