If they were all SCPs wouldn’t their containment protocol simply be: Pokeball?
If they were all SCPs wouldn’t their containment protocol simply be: Pokeball?
Lunatone is sadly one of those Pokémon that have an amusing little gimmick behind them (in this case, being the Moon Pokémon to compliment Solrock’s Sun Pokémon), but are otherwise completely forgettable. Rock/Psychic is a rather unique type combo, but they don’t synergize well and its stats overall are very mediocre.…
Now I want to see every Pokémon described as if it were an SCP. What would Lunatone’s object class be? Euclid? Dangerous but can be contained?
I always thought lunatone should learn peck. Its mouth is definitely a beak.
The Republicans accidentally appointed some people with integrity. But they still have Thomas and Kavanaugh.
The best kind of point and click for me :D
Obligatory reminder...
This is so stupid & selfish. This many fans together will just extend how long Covid will hang around in America & make small business’s suffer even more/longer & hospitalize & kill more Americans. All of the countries that completely locked down (Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, Vietnam) are now almost free of new…
America a 3rd world shithole with iPhones
Pence, isn’t he the fool who claimed the US curve had flattened today? The current administration knows their followers will believe anything so they throw out crappy dog whistles like the flattened curve story today and sories of people dying from wearing masks.
I can’t believe Indiana's Governor allowed this with cases rising across the country. Indiana was doing well, but now's not the time for this kind of Stupid Shit. The ICU's in Texas and Florida are being overwhelmed and they're backpedaling on opening up. Large gatherings are to blame, even outdoor activities with…
Don’t worry, but August 23 the US will be on the way to 150k...if it hasn’t gone past it already by then.
It’s exactly like a finger trap for people who think finger traps are a hoax and hope that it could be a glory hole but it’s really a finger trap.
Survival of the fittest, I guess. And an excellent example as to why the lifespan of white male Americans is dropping.
Tell me that when you’re being intubated by a gynecology intern who just finished her med school classes via zoom.
How easily is COVID passed through vomit?
I suppose it will make a nice visualization for people of how many folks have died. Perhaps it will shock some into listening to science.
If we do anything less than 100% the coronavirus wins.