
I think this one deserves an F because it's a finale. We were tortured this entire season waiting for at least SOMETHING, some kind of meager reward for our loyalty… And we got this :(

Oh my gosh Dirk McQuickly!!!

Honestly, I was so mad after this episode. I hated the season but hoped for at least something in the finale. This might be the straw that breaks this camel's back.

Do not cut them! I look forward to these every week because Soylent is the
only one who seems to catch all the ridiculousness my husband and I make
fun of during the show. Like Carl and Enid's stupid conversation that
was one sentence long and picked up a few hours (days?) later, and Jesus
acting like he tried to stop

Yes! Surprised it took me so long to find someone mention that. It took her ages.

You have a very fragile constitution.

If you want to spend a nice 30 minutes-hour of your life (I don't remember how long it took), look up "Streetlamp LeMoose".

But they weren't, and we knew they weren't be, and they were stupid enough to run to the front door the minute he closed it. Why not stay hiding a few more minutes??

What's most annoying with this episode is that ultrasound, though. And Judith's aging setting everything off. I really don't get the timeline on this show.

I don't think that's enough, though. Why should we have a season of drivel for one "amazing" episode?

Vomitrocious! Gotta love Muffy.

Does the author seriously think Eugene is one of the Saviors now?

You think she's likable? She's so horribly dull.

I was so confused by that, too! I was wondering if there was an overnight plague or chemical warfare or something; it just doesn't make sense to me.

Simple bleach is NOT a hair product.