Betty Hamburg

You're right. It was a couple who support Clinton that made this video. But when she's the nominee it would be a great campaign ad. They did an awesome job.

She didn't use it. Can you read? It was made by a couple who support her. Your tin foil hat isn't receiving very well.

that's all that's on this page in the comments too. This is absolute proof of the sexism that is really underlying people's opposition to Clinton.

I'll bet you look great in a speedo. Please post some pictures so I can masturbate furiously, especially if you're in your 60's. Come on hot stud. Let's see what you got!

Except it isn't the campaign that made or is using the video, which the article acknowledges and then quickly pretends that isn't the case. It was a couple who support her for president.

What a misogynistic statement. Is your one eyed wonder worm visible under your belly?