I think it's me. All my electronics die on their own, fast.
I think it's me. All my electronics die on their own, fast.
At least five or ten times in my life I've walked or driven under a high street light and it made a "pop" noise and then flashed out. I think it's me that's responsible for this, though I don't know how that could be, either.
He really was the sweetest grumpy old man, and knowing he was the ripe old age of 92, it does make it a little easier. Thank you
Same. I don’t like or respect Bush either, but (generalizing hugely obvs) Texans who like George can’t stand Barack, and Texans who can’t stand George do like Barack. So it’s a basically perfect pairing for Dallas. There’ll be someone for almost everyone, to show up for and listen to.
Bush still speaks for a lot of people, especially in Texas, who consider themselves reasonable. He’s not Trump, at least. A show of unity... well, hard to see the downside.
LOL, I do similar, but not on purpose.
Anna, loaded silences and hooded stares can speak volumes. Let the dillhole squirm and splutter his way out on his own.
I’ve always been asked to fill it out as the applicant, never as a hiring manager. How on earth would I guess someone’s race?
But in any case, I have received the forms long after I’ve been aware I am not on the short list in more than one case.
So softbank is a cellphone company, sorta like Tmobile or ATT. Their commercials focus on the “White Family”, a typical Japanese family with a Japanese daughter who works at Softbank, a mom....an inexplicably black brother and an inexplicably dog father.
In Japan, there’s a very popular canned coffee, boss coffee. Some while ago some japanese marketing folk said “hey Tommy Lee Jones looks just like the guy on our logo.” So they asked him to put his face on adverts. Then they came up with tv commercials, but to bring it to extra weirdness level they made the backstory…
Oh yay! Thanks so much for letting me know. Sometimes I wonder if I’m way off, so it’s awesome to get feedback:)
This is a good one! Your roommate in this dream is a placeholder for yourself. You are also yourself in this dream, as a representation of who you are at your core. Roommate-You is probably who you have to be at work, or around certain people. You are trying to reconcile or connect these two sides of yourself, but it…
Step-parenting is so, so difficult. I’m both a mom and a stepmom, and I find that in both roles, doing it well can be pretty thankless and almost invisible, whereas doing it badly leads to a lot of self-recrimination and external criticism.
I now know what it’s like to have my heart ripped out of my chest. The last two episodes were some of the saddest (oh, Lolly), most beautiful, and exciting (DAYA AHHHH) episodes of the series. Poussey’s night in New York was wonderful and her face is just the sweetest, I could stare at it all day. The last scene and…
Honestly, I think art has always been a mixed bag - it’s just that the pieces we still care about from hundreds of years ago are the ones that stood the test of time, while contemporary art is necessarily going to be a mix of pieces that are actually legitimately awesome and enduring and pieces that no one is going to…
“I wish my country was better than this.”
Even here, where guilt is beyond a shadow of doubt, I ask that the sentence be life imprisonment. I am no murderer, no matter how justified the state may think it is, and I want nobody killing anyone in my name, under the guise of “the people.”
My objection to the death penalty hinges on three questions: