Assaulted Peanut

Ok. My story is from 2016. I don’t know that it’s strictly scary, or at least, I wasn’t particularly scared at any point but it is creepy. For background on me, sometimes I feel things but I don’t usually SEE things.

My father has always been a history buff, specifically interested in The Battle of Little Bighorn. He began collecting items related to that time in history when I was in Jr. High, including uniforms, swords, a battle flag, letters and photos. He now frequently loans out to museums and historical societies, but for

I posted this late last year so it got buried in the comments, but I still think it’s a great story.

When my sister and brother-in-law got married, she (stupidly) left me a key to her house while they honeymooned so I could bring in the mail, water the plants, etc. I did a few obvious pranks (like Saran Wrap on the toilet) to throw them off the scent.

Driving in bad weather. My friend is asleep in the passenger seat. I see on of those 18 wheelers towing a backward facing 18 wheeler. Like this:

So this one will only be funny to the people who play or played World of Warcraft. I apologize in advance for losing everyone else. The victim of this prank was my guild leader of many years. As one of her most trusted friends, I was given the password to her account while she was on vacation, in case anything needed

If you have a larger dog, they can’t fly in the seat. Even if I bought a seat for my English setter, which I would happily do, were this option available to me, the airline wouldn’t allow her to fly in it, unless I lied and claimed that she was a service animal, which of course I wouldn’t do. It’s not about not caring

...I’m sorry, does Simba hang himself when you lose on this one? Yikes, unlicensed games are DARK.

I saw the first 47 Meters Down in theaters with some girlfriends and we snuck bottles of wine in so we could have a good time. There were maybe 8 other people in the theater with us and it was opening weekend in LA. The movie ends and the lights come on - quickly. A theater worker bring out several chairs, and then

Fuck buddy makes this awfully specific so I don’t think I have a great one, but:

Poor Jim Rash. It was one thing to be confused for Moby back when he was just a has-been electronic music maker. But now that’s he’a public pariah who doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut? That’s just undeanlievable.

At 18:21 Sansa killing wights. That was very obviously implied by her holding up her dagger as she’s about to rush out to confront the dead with Tyrion. But most people are stupid. So they shouldn’t have cut that.

My favorite moment was definitely Arya shutting Jon down when he tried to joke about Sansa to her. Arya is Team Sansa and I’m into it. 

I just realized there was nothing absurd about that celebrity encounter. I once saw Ray Liotta at an antique store in Eureka, CA. He saw me recognize him, but then try to play it real cool, so he strode up to me and acted like we were long-lost high school pals, addressing me by a nickname of Legs, asking me if I

I was working as a visual merchandiser at the Pebble Beach Company in the early 2000’s. The big rule for the staff was to not act crazy/stalk/ask for an autograph when dealing with the celebrity guests.

I was at the Waldorf Astoria, and was 8 months pregnant. I went into the ladies room, which – it being a ritzy joint and all – had a powder room, and then a room with stalls. Being substantially pregnant, I made a beeline for the stalls. There were maybe three or four in a row, and the last one was empty. But just as

In September 2018. Was in an Uber pool in NYC with my friend. We are massive Real Housewives fans, and were riding through Chinatown. Suddenly I see a TALL woman walking on the sidewalk, and realize it’s Kristin Taekman. I ask my friend “is that Kristen from RHONY???” and she’s like “idk maybe” and the Uber driver

My friend is very aloof. A group of us were partying in the Hamptons one weekend and she was DD because she doesn’t drink, and we somehow (unclear?) ended up on a massive boat (when does a big boat become a yacht?) and the owner was throwing a fancy party. We were vagabonds grunge freaks and crashed the party, and my