Assaulted Peanut

Somehow I feel like he could be Professor Binns (the history of magic professor in Harry Potter whose only function is to put everyone to sleep).

His name is Arthur Fleck?

I love kids and regret I never had my own. I will doxx myself here because I know at least one of my sisters reads this site.

My most memorable fashion disaster was dating a French designer!

People I don’t care about: Marc Jacobs”

goddammit I remember when the only Palin we cared about was Michael, who is a delightful person and not a colossal jackass AT ALL

I didn’t think either were instant classics, but I guess I aligned more with what Kingsman was trying to do with sending up the genre. There are some real low points in Kingsman, but I thought it had a bit more to say than UNCLE, which just struck me as slick but empty.

I once left a large pot of stew on the stove at too high a heat; then I got wrapped up in some other activity, and the stew cooked down to a stinking hard carbon blob, stuck to the bottom of the pot. It was single-digit dead of Winter. I filled the pot with water (just to stop the smoking) and set it out on the back

Now playing

I will never forget this burn from Her Majesty on meeting Deputy First Minister Alec McGuinness (formerly of the IRA, who had tried to assassinate Her Majesty on a few occasions).

The Queen could say something like, “Every American President since Eisenhower has come here, but I believe your visit might rouse the nation like no other.” And then have the Trump blimp gently float past the large window behind her.

I should add that whenever I’m about to spoil a movie or book for someone, I now say “Hello! There are spoilers in this,” in exactly the way Joanna says it. 

Tom Hiddleston. His post Hiddleswift look with the longer hair, beard, and glasses is HOT. 🔥

Most nostalgic summer crush: my 7th grade English Teacher. My current crush: My 7th grade English teacher. You see many years ago he left teaching and got into real estate and has moved onto mortgages and is now the head of a branch office here in town. I’ve been unemployed 8 months and he posted on facebook his

The cute girl at work who I’ll definitely eventually manage to talk to outside office hours and ask out for a drink and not totally bottle it and end up awkwardly looking at across the bar like the start of a Crimewatch re-enactment.

Here’s the before picture.

Hey there! I appreciate your thoughtful comment—and completely agree with you. It’s not straws that need to go extinct, but the materials they’re made of and how they are disposed. Have you used a metal or paper straw before? If so, what did you think?

AA meeting.

Now playing

“What does she see in that man?” - Batman, The Brave and the Bold

without resorting to gendered slurs

Unpopular opinion: being shitty to a shitty person is still shitty, and calling a woman a cunt, while not as bad as calling an African American an ape, is still pretty fucking shitty. I think we can tear down Ivanka without resorting to gendered slurs and contributing to the general level of vitriol and disrespect in