Assaulted Peanut

I am in NYC for work this week. It was my first Yankees game. They were definitely not booing out of love. It was amazing!

Still kinda pissed that I missed going to see him at RCMH. That he’s recycling material from appearances on late night shows is not a problem, in fact he’s improved all of those. What bothers me is that while he ends strong, overall it seems a bit weaker than the last two shows on Netflix. I almost feel like Netflix

2nd best part of 1st class? The people that look at you like you’re not supposed to be there. You know who I’m talking about.

Wouldn’t a little Stefon just brighten up the Loser Gangs day?

It happened to me about a month ago. And I’ve seen a few others complain of the same thing. Getting banned without posting anything remotely controversial. It just seems to happen sometimes. It might be happening to more people than we know but they just don’t realise their posts are invisible (you don’t get a

Basically if you click through to see “pending” comments, you can only see the first five responses in every thread (the “show more” button doesn’t appear). If you stay in the “community” comments section, it lets you see the whole thread, but with none of the greys.

Now playing

That is awesome! This is my favorite. Actually, to his credit, Stevens doesn’t quite break - he obviously doesn’t want to offend the interviewer by making her realize she’s said something dirty - but watching him try NOT to break is absolutely hilarious. I couldn’t have done it, myself!


Damn Michael B Jordan can even make roofs wet (I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry for this joke, I’m so sorry)

And back from my own private Shining of being snowed in and without internet for a week here’s the UK Update:

She’s not allowed to make political statements. William is president of Bafta. Why should she sit out? Can we stop vilifying women who aren’t doing Times Up well enough?

obvious, but necessary:

The smile on Capaldi’s face when he sees Clara. Just, perfect.

Jake Tapper’s “are you fucking kidding me” expression is a thing of beauty. There was one clip—I think early this year—where he actually did a befuddled double take at something his interviewee said. (Might have been Kellyanne Conway.)

UK Update:

Why don’t more people love him?! I don’t get how he’s not mentioned as frequently as Colbert and Kimmel.

Seth Meyers is also killing it.

Okay, but where’s the rest of her? I don’t remember Peggy Carter being thin as a rail.

I would SO love to watch a version of Little Women where the March family is Black. Mr. March choosing to be an Army chaplain in the war would be so much more powerful. I feel like Jo would be dark-skinned, while Amy tries passing for white while she’s in Europe. It would be so fascinating.