Assaulted Peanut

This gif is from one of my favorite exchanges in all of television history. I applaud your choice.

Tony Stark definitively proposed to Pepper in Spider-Man. Because they had no other subject for their press conference.

Bobby, I am a little sad that you don’t care about Emma and Andrew. I think they belong together.

So I actually hate this show because I don’t really need my entertainment to give me any additional anxiety, BUT - as a gay woman and an old, my heart warms every time I see a gay family depicted in media and that’s not the plot. So my heart just grew a little and I’m positive my wife will watch this (she always

The most telling thing to me in that interview is that the director said “I just wanted to give the impression, as much as possible, that one of them is going to die. But you’re not sure which one.” 

So what does this mean, like, logistically? Do people have to work for free? Can they refuse to go to work if they aren’t getting paid? Isn’t not paying people for work they have done...illegal?

This was late, I was starting to worry.

My parents and brother invited themselves to my apartment for the eclipse since I’m in the path of totality. At least they brought a fuck-load of my favorite beer. My mom knows I need it to get through the next few days.

I would also like Wynonna coverage!

Soooo presidential.

Just more sci-fi and fantasy TV reviews in general! I know there are bigger outlets that cover TV, but I love io9's editorial direction and community. Let’s see Dark Matter, Wynona Earp, Killjoys, Legends of Tomorrow...

So am I a horrible person if I laughed at “Who drove the car into the crowd? Hillary’s emails?” Because I did laugh. Because that was funny.

Do broad gestures come as a requirement to wearing lab coats?

That’s what happens when you pour into a cup no one wants to drink out of.

Unpopular opinion, but I love Clara and thought the chemistry between her and Capaldi worked better than between her and Smith. During season 7 she just felt like “not Amy” because the Ponds had become such a massive part of the Eleventh Doctor’s character. As soon as Capaldi came in, though, I appreciated her a lot