Assaulted Peanut

Last year, we rescued a beagle husky mix puppy. He’s the most adorable pain in the ass ever. Of course, there’s obligatory pic of Montgomery below.

Seth Meyers is great and seems to be getting better as he continues to grow into his late night show. Plus, he knows how to effectively deal with bigotry and hate after having married Stefon...

She isn’t spotless, but I think she’s pretty fantastic.

I read Stephen King’s “The Stand” at least once a year. Seems quite timely nowadays.

Is it weird that I ‘heard’ the ad in this guy’s voice instead?

While the real image is still rather unflattering, the one in the post above has been manipulated. It’s been flipped horizontally (the part in his hair is on the wrong side), the hair has been moved down to decrease the apparent size of his forehead, the skin tone has been oranged-up, and his second chin has been

Um, do you two know each other?

oh girl. it’s the worst. and it takes so long to shake. you can still feel the touch long after the incident is over.

Something similar happened to me to, at a bar. Sitting on the bar stool with my back to the bar, watching the band. Crowded. Boyfriend sitting Right Next To Me. Guy walks by, slides his hand up my thigh (I was wearing a mini skirt). Kept walking. I didn’t move. Boyfriend takes a beat and says “did he do what I think

Mueller’s lawyer M. Gabriel McFarland asked Swift whether she was “critical” of her then bodyguard, Greg Dent, for not intervening. Swift responded, “No, I am critical of your client for sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my bare ass.”

Miller worked for Ted Cruz, too. The hypocrisy of their leaders doesn’t bother the Republican base, it never has. As long as they keep saying they’re for family values, they can get away with all kinds of hypocrisy.

It’s nice to see that Sid Turtlepuss has gotten some work since “Dinosaurs” was cancelled so long ago.

They have uncomfortable relations with a rival order:

Unfortunately, this is the Marvel Universe where he was created in a lab experiment and raised as a ginger twat in Warrington!


I bet that and the need to do something about the giant napalm monster, even if it probably wouldn’t work. Maybe also to buy time for Bronn?

A male feminist walks into a bar

Immediately came to mind!

Just goes to show that you don’t need Hollywood to be a success.

OMG girl. Buy some fucking Spanx.