Assaulted Peanut

“So what’s the Diehl with sexting interns?”

If I need to elaborate, there is something wrong with you.

James Wesley, Daredevil. Best eyebrow game and smarm in the MCU.

When I was in college I bartended at a burger restaurant. One evening while serving a table of five, I had a woman request a new glass of ice water, because, and I can’t make this up, “her ice water was watered down.” She was not joking.

Oh! I have something to contribute to Behind Closed Ovens! Finally!

I could probably submit one of these about myself. Many years ago when Subway sandwich shops were rocketing to the top of the national consciousness with the “Subway diet” I stopped in one day to eat with my family. I was a teenager and was waiting behind my family not really paying attention until I got up to the

Not food related but, my sister - also old enough to know better- saw a homeless man on the side of the road when we were down in Florida and said to the car “we should tell [name of our aunt and uncle who lived in the area] about him.” “Why?” my mother replied. “Because they can start bringing [the names of their

The Tito’s/Tanqueray thing reminds me of this time back in my mid-20s when I went to this party my then-roommate’s friends were throwing. I didn’t really know the people at this party, but there was free booze, so whatever. I’m making random small talk with this dude who, it became quickly apparent, was a total

Not an allergy request but a ridiculous coffee request. At one cafe where I used to work, we kept the milk and cream behind the counter and would pour it in for the customer ourselves unless they asked to do it. One woman asked for me to make her coffee “about your color.” Because I’m neither coffee nor milk, I have

This map of countries’ paid parental leave policies always makes me sad...

When I was a kid, the vet used to tell folks to wait until a female cat had her first heat before getting her fixed. My little Emily Dee missed the heat part - she just got real fat.

Last year I found myself on the wrong end of a holier than thou neighbor who thinks that I am a harlot and should be ashamed of myself for running around semi-nude most of the time. She asked about my “church” and its teaching and I told her that I am a Child of Nature. She recoiled and said “a witch”. I said not

:) my mom did something like that. A homeless man knocked on our door one winter and asked “for something warm to drink”. I went and told my mom, and she made him a mug of hot ovaltine and packed him a lunch - apple, cookies, and a tuna salad sandwich in a brown paper bag. A week or so later a very nice handmade

Momma Mia will turn 100 years old this December. She had me when she in her 40s. She has a 9th grade education, having dropped out of school to help support her family. She worked all her life and eventually started her own business, which she ran out of our kitchen. She was very successful. One morning, she decided

my mom was drunk at a st. patrick’s day parade once and walked up to a group of firemen and told them that i was single. my mom....


My mom got mom drunk at Christmas Eve a few years ago, and then tried to round is all up to head to midnight mass. Me, being a young college student in the infancy of my rejection of religion, said, pretty annoyingly, “I’m not going.” My mother, in her mom drunkenness yells at me, “F*** you, get in the car, you’re

When I was in 5th grade I changed schools. My new school was way on the other side of town and outside of the lily white suburb where my previous school had been located.

My mom grew up on a farm in Kansas in the 1920s, so she had a really different attitude about pets than the rest of us. My dad loved all cats and dogs, and so did all of us kids, and we did things that drove her crazy like let them on the furniture or on the bed. In my mom’s opinion, cats should really be mostly