Assaulted Peanut

For no reason other than it makes me smile, here is my dog doing bunny arms:

Y’all, my dog is SO CUTE. I rescued her back in September and was freaking out for the following couple months that I had made a huge mistake and that I couldn’t handle the responsibility, but it’s all worked out and now I cannot imagine life without her. She has been by my side during my recovery from surgery. I

I’m a wife and I would want to know. I don’t care if the motivations are revenge or remorse, I would want to know. Want to know why? Because being in the dark about it while being played for a fool is way worse than the pain of knowing. I could be exposed to diseases, a stalker girlfriend who could hurt me or my kids,

My story is second hand:

Got cheated on. Lost 40 pounds in two months (NOT healthy) and cut my hair off. I was running (because running all the time and living on lentils is how you lose 40 pounds in two months) and my hair tie broke. And because I was not living in a thinking rationally state of mind at the time, this is how my thought

Short story: Girl gets mad that I don’t wife her, fakes pregnancy via text message for the luls, blames it on me.

I once facebooked friended an old friend i had a falling out with and ACCIDENTALLY TAGGED MYSELF IN THEIR PROFILE PICTURE

I like how, when she realized she wasn’t going to regain her balance in time, she struck a pose on the floor. That’s the mark of a professional performer, to my mind - if you make a mistake, you roll with it. Keep on, BitBit.

Depends on the 8 year old. I know one who keeps lists of the Nancy books she has read and writes me lists of the ones she missing in case I encounter them at the house sales I frequent. She even went as Nancy for Halloween last year, in a plaid skirt and saddle shoes, holding a magnifying glass.

The first time I was aware of a grown man looking at my body was the summer between 5th and 6th grade when we were at the lake with some other families. My stepdad also noticed this grown man, his friend, checking me out and shoved him onto the ground and basically looked like he wanted to murder him. During my

Etsy had a ton of adorable cake toppers like these but they were way over budget, so I bought the blank people from a craft store and painted them myself. I already had most of the paint so I think they cost about $10? I secretly hope if we ever have/adopt kids they’ll enjoy playing with these someday.

Keep your pillow fort dream alive!

I have a GREAT story that goes along these lines.

This will probably get buried in the greys but I want to share this one. So I’m a manager at a small hotel in Brighton, UK, and a couple of nights ago a mother and daughter came into the bar (it’s normally residsuonts only and pretty tiny) and had a few glasses of wine. The mother is very outgoing and starts to tell

You guys, can I tell you about something excellent? Because I really feel like it’s my duty as a Brit to alert you fine red-blooded Americans​ to a proper treat headed in your direction. If you have a soft spot for top-shelf BBC dramas, you’re in for a lovely time, because coming your way is Poldark, a big, gorgeous,

I was working in a smallish rural city in south Louisiana working for a newspaper with a bunch more 20-somethings from all over the country, and being young and stranded we would go to anything that came to town that had a chance of being mildly fun. One of my coworkers was a huge metalhead and when a KISS cover band

When the Spice Girls were in their heyday I was around 11, and my mom wouldn’t let me go to their concert because I was too young.

So I would have contributed to BCO before but today at work takes the cake in how utterly disgusted and pissed I am at my boss. I’ve had poor luck in the job market and recently became employed at shitty food court fast food joint. The place isn’t even a chain. We serve crappy burgers, nuggets, and our crown jewel of

So I haven’t had time with school wrapping up to see any of the episodes besides the first two, but what’s the general consensus on the new season of Community? My brother seems to like it, which is a good sign in my opinion. Are they worth watching?

Dumb storytelling- the fact that his ancestors owned slaves makes his mother marching for civil rights MORE compelling, not less, and would create a narrative about not being so defined by a racist past that you refuse to change for the better.