Assaulted Peanut

I am new to this whole kinja-blog type of thing so this was the only place i could think to post this.

Oh Lord. My mother and father got married in the 70's in small town Eastern Canada, and the wedding was essentially put on by family. Aside from the priest, everything was put together or paid for by well meaning aunts, uncles, parents, grandparents, friends and cousins. It worked for the most part, but I guess there

{calls husband at work}

EVERYONE loves ponies! (or miniature horses)


They lumped it in with "British," because no one conducting this survey understood how things work. All I want in life is a dapper, gentle, funny man with a Welsh accent to come sit with me in the constant rain.

My homemade sparkly wedding shoes

"Designer babies"?

Someone I know described Benedict Cumberbatch as "the middle stage on an animorph cover"

Somewhere, Gabi's babysitter is thinking of a reason she can't sit this weekend.

Not my story, but my Grandpa's!

"The end." - Someone Full of Bitterness

No, Bob, this is my fucking story. You want to slap "the end" on something? Go write your own fucking story. Write it from a deep and meaningful place, and don't regurgitate headlines.

So I used to live in this town in CT where lots of celebrities that were working in NYC would rent houses for the duration of their jobs. One weekend I was out running errands with my daughter who wasn't quite one year old yet. What she was, though, was moody and fed up by the time I was almost done.

<raises hand quietly> could I get out of the greys please?

Long-time reader, first-time commenter here guys.

I have no idea if my reply will count, because I don't actually know the name of the celeb with whom I had the following encounter, but here we go!

My reply is going to be buried, which is unfortunate because this is a good story.

I have had a couple of celebrity encounters but the most awkward goes to meeting OJ Simpson. I worked at an animal hospital and his daughter's dog was hit by a car, so they brought the dog into us. The dog ended up being fine after emergency treatment, so when they came the pick up the dog, I ended up checking them