Assaulted Peanut

As long as we're mentioning older men who were hot in their youth, I see your young Robert Redford and raise you young Christopher Plummer. O Captain! My Captain (von Trapp)!

Oh hell yes. I was scrolling and scrolling and getting increasingly distressed/incredulous no one had mentioned Monty.

Hi! I was the one who wrote this story and I can honestly confirm that we never did find that damn phone. Luckily, she was waaaaay more calm (and sober) the next day, so it wasn't nearly the ordeal that the previous night had been.

I was at a play once and I was waiting in line for a drink when Paul Newman came up next to me. I was 22, he was maybe 80? Still a fox. I usually play it cool but I couldn't let this moment go.

Peter O'Toole circa How to Steal a Million.

Politics aside you know you would too.

"Let freedom ring from the snow capped Rockies of Colorado". -MLK

Some men wear just the right slacks to make their long muscular legs terribly appealing, and I try to respect their humanity, but sometimes it's just too much. Why did they have their pants tailored so well to emphasize their meaty calves if they don't want me to stare?

Dear Jen:

So right after a shitty break up this summer I hit up an old booty call from OKCupid. He was really cool, but the sex. Oh god.

His name was Javier and I met him when I worked at the bookstore in college. He was super hot, but that's because all he cared about in the world was his body. Good for him! Good for him. But between working out and moisturizing and hair care and trimming and and and, there was...not much left. But super hot and

Like special dog, whilst moving.

i cannot explain the strange, upset internal keening sound i am making in my mind right now.

First of all, let me offer a rebuttal.

I really don't want "How To Train Your Dragon 2" to win—not because I've seen it, but because the title sounds incomplete. WHAT AM I TRAINING MY DRAGON 2 DO???

Am I the only one who initially wondered why teenage girls would want to be taking this guy to prom? Apparently, there's a slightly hotter rapper going by Riff Raff these days...

"It's not wild chicken."

Conchita Wurst is a goddamn delight.