Assaulted Peanut

God, how I need a summer fling...

Thanks for the advice! I’m definitely keen not to harass him! Cannot imagine anything more awkward, for either of us, if I pestered him and then still had to be dragged to his bar by my family - nerd family alert.


Sounds like a solid plan! You know her best, so you’ve just got to follow your instincts. Let us know how it goes!

Also, have just eaten but this film makes me so freaking hungry!

I just have to get through the bit with the reaming in the restaurant! So stressful! Am going to imagine you as the ScarJo type now.

Hmm. Troubling. Maybe just talk to her the next time you have a drink, before everyone’s three sheets, and just confess that you found what she said really hurtful. The way she reacts will probably dictate where you go from there.

Congratulations! That’s so exciting! I am watching Chef tonight, which is great, but I really hope your restaurant isn’t like the one from the movie!

Is this the first time she’s ever said anything like this? Is it possible she was just tipsy and thought she was being funny?

Would you be up for television series? The Bridge is fantastic and half in Swedish!

With you! I’m about to start applying for new jobs and already feel bone tired at the thought of interviews!

Not sure anyone will see this, but hoping someone can commiserate with me on dating/single girl woes.

Yeah, he’s definitely not Jim Norton - that needs to be fixed!

I think it’s just her tee shirt. Unfortunate advertising for them :/

In the still, does that not look just like Pierce Hawthorne? AKA Chevy Chase...

Now can we have a movie with Troy and Levar Burton having to be rescued from Somalian pirates? Annie can even put her FBI skills to good use...

That was me two weeks ago, damn it. Some how makes it harder on the other side! Clients all still away but bosses are back!

Ha, I wish! Just a Londoner kept at work late and plied with alcohol to keep me obedient.

Literally nothing, except that I’ve had too much champagne and this song in my head all day.