
This is a good point. Most readers here probably wouldn’t know who these twats are if it wasn’t for Kotaku continually telling us. Not publishing stories about them wouldn't cut back on their subscribers or anything meaningful, but we could all live on in blissful ignorance here. Which would be nice. 

Yeah. This (minus the Reddit. No, thanks). 

You know whats weird? I’m a pretty plugged-in guy, I'm on serveral different social medias, including YouTube, I'm on Reddit all the time, I follow some news outlets... and I never hear about this guy apart from articles on here talking about how absolutely everyone knows him and how he’s the apparent evil heir to all

I’m a cynic too. I’m an EMT, I’ve had to work with cops. Their racism is no longer even a little shocking. They’re the worst kind of terrible people: the ones who think they’re heroes. If Jeff Sessions hadn’t gone to law school, he’d be chief of police in backwoods Alabama right now. Even the “nice” guys that everyone

It’s always especially disgusting to watch their coworkers and superiors act shocked that a loud and open racist is actually a racist.

Another day, another worthless, soulless white exposing themselves.

Nah, you know what divides us?

Where did you see me say that we should go hating on all cops? Don’t come at me with that Trump comprehension, seeing what you want to see and spinning it. Don’t.

To the people who will say “he’s only one of a few police who feel this way...most police aren’t racist”

To be fair, he could have been a stupid fuck that doesn’t pay attention and damages property even without the weed. You’ve met people, right?

You don’t like your state being associated with weed, but you’re totally cool with it being associated with beer? Pragmatically, what’s the difference in terms of the way you get your buzz or is it just that you find alcohol to be more acceptable because it’s legal at the federal level?

Mild Climate? What for like three months out of the year?

Colorado: Where Crocs were invented.

That was 50 item list with 3 cool things on it. Maybe you should smoke some week and relax a little..

John Denver, of course.
