hehe good. I was like "holy crap, what are fun deaths? Since we all have to die some day sign me up for one of those!"
hehe good. I was like "holy crap, what are fun deaths? Since we all have to die some day sign me up for one of those!"
This is actually a conversation i overheard between two of the hunting men i know. One of whom claimed that he always keeps his gun loaded and on his bedside table/in his nightstand, and the other (a very regular hunter), who called the first an idiot, and said that was just about the dumbest thing he'd ever heard. …
Not every person who owns a gun is a rampant moron. I mean, I understand why people think that - ffs, responsible gun owners are practically the unicorns of modern day. But we shoot for sport, in ranges, and don't even keep ammo in our house. Pretty difficult to make a mistake without any bullets.
You mean like those of us who keep our guns unloaded, locked in a safe, and wouldn't dream of letting our children near them? I'm so excited to be an emerald sphinctered mermaid!
Law-abiding gun owners. Responsible gun owners. Centaurs with golden colons. Mermaids with emerald sphyncters.
the police will investigate the police and find that they've done nothing wrong.
I despise the whole "they made a mistake!" argument when it comes to defending cops who act badly. OK, look, maybe this cop was having a shitty day and lost it. It happens. I've lost my temper and chewed people out. But I also apologize and try to make amends for my bad behavior. So many cops end up being exonerated…
That's the problem. These guys revert to their high school selves under pressure of any kind. That's not good for us in the public because only a fraction of them were good guys in high school and not an over-reactive lunkhead with something to prove.
That video should be Exhibit 1 in his civil suit against NYPD.
Not doing things that we sometimes want to do is the hallmark of being an honest-to-God grownup. Impulse control.
If they have such poor control of themselves, they aren't suited for police work or even customer service. They should consider other career options and should not be allowed to own or carry a fire arm.
If some jerk-off started doing this around me, I want to slap him, too.
And again, there is no crime here.
Damn. I was so sure this was a Shrayber.
It reads like a really macabre game of Clue. The dead man...in the spa...with the unsuspecting patron's toe! Who will solve this grammatical crime?
I'm gonna go ahead and speculate that he had a heart attack or stroke (probably stroke) and then slipped underwater. 84 years old, plus that warning about hot tubs being bad for people with high blood pressure...probably a stroke.
OMG, the dead man had her toe?!?