
Fuck this is brutal. I hate Notre Dame, yet a 2 second google search would indicate that they have outreach and other programs to ensure that LGBT students are comfortable and treated the same as any other student. The NCAA should not be using its position to unilaterally make decisions for its member schools. This is

One person literally had federal investigations opened into his discriminatory housing practices.

He doesn’t have to legalize weed, just tak it off schedule I before he goes. I doubt this will happen though :(

hasn’t it already been proven that google facebook twitter are all suppressing pro trump anti clinton results? The AP confirmed this or is hudson hongo (whatever the fuck that is) just not a news reader

Exactly, they’re definitely going to bring up his past. No reason they shouldn’t bring up hers. I’ve been away for a bit since Gawker went down but it’s good to see the writers here are still advocating guilty until proven innocent for the wealthy and famous. /s

Lindsey you would would not bat an eye if a black man accused of selling drugs or murder had information about his past behavior brought into trial. Then it would be “well his past behavior indicates the type of person he is, and the types of acts he is capable of.....”

If she brings up her character and sexual preferences, then she is opening the door for the defense to rebut that presumption. in the absence of the plaintiff “opening the door,” courts routinely throw out these defenses (unless they are relevant to physical evidence like in Kobe’s case where the woman had sex with

Probably gonna be an unpopular opinion, but if the plaintiffs are using Doe’s past as a defense, then it should also be fair game to the defendants.

Conceivably all other crimes? In the criminal context, sexual history is a more narrowly circumscribed type of character evidence than other character traits. Compare FRE 404(a)(2) with FRE 412. Of course, this is a civil case, but even there the burden of proving probative value outweighs unfair prejudice is flipped

Sounds like he’s already guilty according to Deadspin. Cancel the trial and lock him up.

Some days I am really envious of your jobs. Today is not one of them.