
If you’d told me this was a “Parks and Rec” joke, I’d have believed you.

Another reason why genealogy kits are bad news.

Is this motherfucker actively trying to put our data at risk?

If only someone could put these ports on an actual laptop. Wouldn’t that be nice. No need for fucking docks and dongles.

Wow. I generally tried to keep up with the discussion thread on a daily basis, so I’d read all of these except the creepy uncle one. It wasn’t as scary as it was riveting and sentimental in a spooky sort of way.

that’s wildly inappropriate, do you have her number?

Yeah; there is a feature called “Hide Self View” which is not the same as the camera being switched off and I assume that many people get confused. It only means that you can’t see you — everyone else can.

“Oh, election simulation!” —Jeffrey Toobin

“I believed I was not visible on Zoom. I thought no one on the Zoom call could see me. I thought I had muted the Zoom video,” he added...

TF’s a spiritbox, bro?

because the old layout was good.

I was big into emo but what appealed about it to me was relating to the frustration and feelings of disenchantment, betrayal, tragic romance, bitterness, and self-loathing. It wasn’t until some years later that I recognized that the men who wrote these songs weren’t even remotely considering that the reason some women

“Indicted” you say?

The boss is watching, they don’t want to be fired. If he tells the truth, he’s gone.

I do think the steady dodging of the question on court packing isn’t great. They need a direct answer to that question.

Ugh I’m so sorry that you were punished for being sexually harassed. My family wasn’t always Evangelical (I was raised Calvinist until 3rd grade) so my parents didn’t seem to have absorbed the “women are responsible for preventing the male sexual gaze” bullshit that’s so prevalent in that culture, but I heard it ALL

Does it indicate a drop in glucose levels in non-pregnant women? I’ve been trying for what seems like ages to stop getting up at 3:30 am and eating chocolate. :-| 

Pence NEVER respected the time allotted to him. He kept talking on and on and ON. I was listening in my car this morning, screaming MAKE HIM SHUT UP!

What’s In the Bucket?