
People differ on the raw eggs thing. But, never ever deprive yourself of eating raw cookie dough!

I know it's a tropical drink, but I've always thought a Painkiller makes a most excellent holiday cocktail. The fruit flavors, plus the richness of the coconut cream and spice from the rum and nutmeg, suggest fruitcake in the best way.

Torchy's Painkiller

2 parts dark rum (traditionally it's always supposed to be

The way you feel about pets is the way I feel about kids.

If I ever divorce my wife, God Forbid, she can have her damn dog (but, I can't lie, he is great even when our toddler is trying to ram him with random objects). It is like our second child as far as she is concerned.

This article comes a few months too late for those of us who are large men with interesting Halloween costumes

Who gets the dog when you break up?


Everytime I watch Jessica i'm just like

I find it so interesting how they all need her. SO often the youngest sister in television is basically an elf on a shelf...

I thought Larry Wilmore was going to be the lead of the show when I first heard about it. He's probably too old for the character, but I'd love this show with Wilmore as Dre.

Is it just me or is Gossip Cop really weird? As if it's run by a celebrity. Every single story that comes out about a celeb, they reach out to a publicist and GC takes their statement as truth. As if publicist don't lie...weird.

This is my new fav reaction gif. Don't worry, I'm not stealing; I only use reaction gifs for personal emails. I don't have the skills and organization to be able to use them so perfectly within an actual forum. But hats off, this one is so nuanced and perfect.

Fuck this disease.

Fantastic novel. Well written. If you do not cry at the end of the novel you are not human. Boston show Chronicle had two days ago a fomer reporter who has it about 60 absolutely riveting about what his day is like and his attempts at normalcy.

Believe it or not, there are a lot of things which are equally horrifying. The thing that takes the cake, though, in my experience would be childhood onset disorganized schizophrenia. You have a 14 year old who a few years prior was "normal" but now has to be kept in a secure facility and can't string together a

Actually in the New Yorker article Brand comes out looking charming and funny. The kids hung on his every word and even the librarian who "censored" the smutty language lightened up. It's a pretty sweet story.

Anna, you're adorable. Never change.

It sounds more like this will be a movie in three *acts*, not three scenes. There's a big difference between the two. Each act will almost certainly contain multiple scenes.