nancy drew

Not that I'm necessarily vouching for their veracity, but there were a lot of rumors swirling about Lively getting the Weinstein It Girl treatment.

Haha, she did, but I'm fairly sure she was trolling people.

Okay, who's worse: Serena or Marissa Cooper?

Umm excuse me, this show gave us dantyping.gif, which, okay, is no dawsoncrying.gif . . . but it's a distant second.

I feel like this is one of those pilots that everybody retroactively accepts as non-canonical in order for any of the rest of the show to make any sense.

My favorite ones are the ones where they're just blatantly misinterpreting what the movie was about. Like, Gone with the Wind's description is "Celebrates a strongly feminine heroine who is the antithesis of a modern feminist," but . . . at least an hour of that movie's running time is dedicated to the fact that

Haha, how did I not scroll down far enough to see that you'd already posted this?

I mean, the only real reason for this show to exist is that people want to see how the meth head, Kirk Cameron's sister, the guy from the Alanis Morisette song, et al turned out. If they can't get the Olsen twins back, there's no reason to hire anybody else.

Nicky and Alex were twins. So technically they had both.

I think they should just go balls to the wall and have her character killed off. Bonus points if it's some really embarrassing or horrible way. Or if it's related to the fall from a horse she took in the series finale.

Haha, I don't think it's how the most rabid fans work by any means, but I also think that for every crazy fan there are nine non-crazies.

I mean, I get where you're going with this, but it's worth acknowledging that the innocent white guy spent at least 18 years and maybe 26+ for crimes he didn't commit before he got a Netflix documentary out of the deal. (And it's not like there's any shortage of outrage directed at Rice's killer, either.)

Yeah, Gaiman is right that Martin is under no obligation to release anything ever again. But fans are under no obligation to happily continue being Martin's fans if they're not pleased with the products he's putting out (or not putting out, as the case may be).

I think people would be willing to cut him more slack if he was actually writing this whole time and it was that he had a slow writing pace. It's the fact that he obviously spends huge chunks of his time not writing (or even actively avoiding writing) that annoys them far more than the pace of his writing.

I think both sides are being fairly unreasonable. On one hand, these are a thousand-page books with a bunch of moving parts. They aren't going to be finished in two years. That's not a reasonable expectation unless you're a freak of nature (ahem, Brandon Sanderson).

The impression that I get is that all or most of the actors are only signed through seven seasons. HBO can re-sign them, obviously, but it's going to be crazy expensive with such a huge cast, and those prices will only rise if the later seasons get pushed back and keep the actors from finishing up with the series and

Mostly the latter. The books are full of foreshadowing and symbolism and symmetry; it's pretty obvious that he at least knows where he's planning to end up. He might be stuck on specific details of how to get there (as he was in books four/five, trying to get all the characters who needed to be in Mereen to Mereen,

I don't think that the badness of the most recent season (or books, for that matter) necessarily spells terrible things for the ending. We're at the point in any long narrative where things tend to get a little sloppy and boring because everything's beginning to ramp up to a climax but no loose ends can really get

I would've argued this after the first few seasons of the TV show, but I don't think you can fairly argue it anymore. Both the show and the book have gone off the rails, just in different ways. (Edited to add: That said, when the show goes off the rails, you waste a few hours. When the books do, you waste days or