nancy drew

Katy Perry is just a very solid pop musician—she surrounds herself with good songwriters, she picks good songs, she's charming and cute, she's very good at staking out a territory for herself in the very crowded pop music field, establishing a personal brand, and sticking to it. (I think her failed stint as a

The interesting part is that Swift was super-genuine and unguarded early in her career—she was one of the first celebrities to really understand how to employ social media to break down boundaries between her and her fans. But she was also really naive about how being so unguarded about her life and her feelings would

Yeah, it would be cool to see something like the Met's movie-theater broadcasts. Obviously not as good as seeing it live, but still better than any of the other options we have currently.

Elba will probably look younger for the next ten years than Craig did at 35. Unless he's planning on doing his own stunts, I don't think his age is gonna be much of a hangup.

If you can't count on choreographed Super Bowl sharks these days, who can you count on?

I suspect it's mostly just whatever window they happened to track. Perry just finished a huge tour and Swift just embarked on one. Next year it'll probably be reversed.

Look, every member of One Direction made more than Rihanna. Even Liam.

Best bitch.

Growing up in the Midwest, that always drove me crazy in scenes where people would climb in through their friends' windows . . . what about the mosquitoes? Then I moved to the west coast, and there were so few bugs that in lots of places, people really didn't have screens on their windows. So I'm willing to give Saved

And he let them down too.

He worked at a defense plant, but yes, basically.

Unless they still had those fake IDs from season 3.

That's also my guess, but that . . . is not what "exclusive" means, haha.

Doesn't "exclusive streaming partner" imply that they'll be the only ones airing it? But then Glass saying "Nothing will change" for pre-existing listeners implies the opposite.

I'm sure the bottom line here is that Koenig et al are actually going to make some real money off this now. Good for them for getting after it, but I don't think there are that many people out there that know how to use Pandora but don't know how to download the Podcast app.

If they couldn't afford it, I'm guessing "Unfortunately we can't afford the increased security costs to guarantee our panelists' and guests' safety" would have gone over a lot better than their "We aren't going to let you guys play unless you can keep it civil."

I think the problem is less the technology and more the absence of anything to balance out the technology.

I see my reputation precedes me.

Presumably figuring out his location from his posts. If they know where he lives, then it wouldn't be hard to figure out his number—all that shit is on the internet these days. If they know your name, it's very easy to figure out your phone number and address from that.