Because Bernie lost, I can’t afford cable. Thanks Trump.
Because Bernie lost, I can’t afford cable. Thanks Trump.
This is obviously another case of racial profiling. When will America learn?
JackieO was a true American icon. Having to put up with all those years of JFK cheating on her. Same with Hillary.
Look, I don’t like Republicans either. With their fancy sport cars, high paying careers, hot trophy wives etc. Bernie would have changed all of that. Leveled the playing field.
Forget Serena or Venus, this is the baddest man on the planet, bar none.
Shit, another Russian as a key cabinet member. We are all truly fucked. Thanks a lot DeBlasio.
Trump and Putin will destroy the world for sure. Bernie was our only hope.
Paul Ryan is just a shill for the Russians. He was planted years ago.
Just another white entitled asshole.
Anyone who opposes abortion is just stupid. I know I could never be a mother, but still I enjoy the fun of unprotected sex.
CNN (fake news) gave her the questions before the debates with Bernie.
Yes, because she cheated. Had Debbie Whatshername in her back pocket. Had illegal servers infiltrating Bernie’s computers.
Muslim men abuse women any chance they get. Shit on them, piss on them, cut off their arms and legs.
Hillary couldn’t even beat a game show host.
Bernie would have gone after the 1%. Free insurance and college. Higher minimum wages. We really blew it guys.
Even Muslim cops are bad? WTF