Mo'ne Mo'ne

Unrelated, but holy shit, that lede image. One dude in budget Call of Duty cosplay, a couple of dudes cosplaying the Village People, a handful of grandmas in gas station sunglasses, one dude wearing the safety goggles he stole from work, and one dude nervous his racial superiority protest might make him miss his tee

This is some real ish rightchea. White supremacy, like opioids, poisons white people as well, just like you describe above. Tells them drug abuse is a black problem, while Podbert and Brettward OD in Pennsyltucky. Tells them welfare should be cut, while Amberlyn can’t feed her kids on $49 a week. Tells them we

Now if the black players boycotted it would change some things.

“You can’t give any fucks about black people if you don’t give any fucks about people.”

I consider the NFL to be no better than modern day versions of Roman gladiator games and for that reason alone have no interest in them.

I can kinda get that and understand that coming from a cis point of view. But knowing the very little I know about trans experience and not having that as my experience as well, I totally understand a trans person not telling someone until they feel comfortable doing so. If they tell the wrong person, they could die.

Honey, bless your heart for not realizing that daytime TV trash isn’t exactly a reliable source for trans information.

As if men haven’t reacted violently when a woman discloses her gender identity up front. Or rejects their advances. Or looks at them funny. Or...

“College athletes shouldn’t be paid because they get a free education.”

In regards to playing professional football again, the Raven quoted

Chris Jones: Only defensive linemen to finish his 40 with a sack.

Savvy kid. You always jump on a loose ball.

As an Indianapolis resident, I can report that there are quite a few big dicks flopping around town right now. (Walks past Peter King and Mike Florio waiting in line for brunch.)

That's at least a 7.2. Not sure what the 40 time was.

Attn Mr. Trump (and the rest of the republican field). That is what a Christian looks like.

As someone who has denounced his Christianity — I still have a faith and belief in God, but fuck me if I’m gonna be lumped in with the intolerant anti-gay bible-thumping zealots — this was a powerful reminder of the good that religion does have, the way it can deeply heal and help persevere at our darkest times. The

Maybe... Except there are a ton of large men who play in Europe who have excellent free throw shooting mechanics. Sure, they aren’t 90% shooters, but they’re not hitting in the 50s either. Maybe that aspect of the game isn’t as well-developed in American bigs. It’s a bit strange to me that we’d just ignore the 7

I agree. I've always taken what they showed to be more of a use of tropes than an actual statement of facts. We, as a nation, associate the tie-and-classical-music with intelligence, whereas the trailer park is usually associated with terrible life decisions and a breeding ground for idiots.
I've worked with way more

Really, Eugenics is where you go? Troll much?