Betsy's Pompadour

I have a very hard time viewing race as anything other than a social construct because there is basically no significant genetic or biological component to it. Race is essentially a spectrum of pigment variation. Almost everything else about it is socially constructed.

Seriously? Many fats are extremely healthy. For example, coconut oil consists of only fat but has many health benefits. Just because something has fat in it doesn’t mean it’s unhealthy. Also, the article mentions the amount as 10 grams of nuts, which would contain a completely reasonable and healthy amount of fat.

I would love to know what you thought about the part of Untucked where Ginger was condescendingly lecturing Violet and Pearl about how every drag queen should do a pageant. Once that happened, Ginger was done for me. For pageant queens like Ginger and Kennedy, pageants are everything. They don’t think that other

What??? Where’s Synergy, the holographic computer? Where are the Misfits? Where’s Jem’s awesome mansion filled with orphans or whatever? This isn’t even Jem and the Holograms. This has officially ruined my day!