Betsy's Pompadour

Agreed! When my ex said the famous person he felt the strongest connection to was James Corden, I should’ve known immediately that it wasn’t going to work out :(

I totally get the trend for women, but not for guys... When it’s hot but I don’t want to shave my legs and also don’t feel comfortable just wearing really tight form-fitting leggings, shorts over leggings is the solution! No, it’s not as cool as wearing just shorts would be, but it’s cooler than wearing pants and I

I have to say, I was far less offended by Clooney’s statement than Meryl Streep’s...

Add George Clooney to the list

Agreed! Roseanne has had some amazing highs and some awful lows, but I need to believe that this project will be another high. And I didn’t know that all the seasons are on Prime, so thanks for that important information :)

I believe he will be involved and they are supposedly going to explain away his death somehow... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oops, accidental comment on a super old post...

I’m amused by people here thinking that trolls are always conservative. Anyone can be a troll. All it takes is a lack of empathy and excessive vitriol...

“Much like wearing overly-complicated blouses or getting bangs, people have a myriad of reasons for engaging in their beauty routines, and quite often it’s purely for themselves.”

AGREED! Alaska deserved the win, despite her tantrum. She destroyed all others when she had to lipsync and her performance on almost all the challenges was incredible. I can’t believe so many fans completely turned their backs on her after her tantrum! Nobody’s perfect and everyone makes mistakes...

Ouch, that sucks! Is that only when they’re together? Do they also charge that much when they perform separately? Also, I wonder if that’s only in certain venues? I can’t imagine they’d be able to get away with that alone or in smaller venues.

Now playing

Also, for you longtime drag race fans who’ve been watching since season 3:

Thank you to whoever in the universe made this happen! This is the news we all need at the end of this awful week!

Yes! I was so dumb and naive when I lost my virginity. The first guy I was with was pretty long. He was about 8 inches and rather thick. We were together for several years, and since I hadn’t seen other penises in the wild, I thought he was average. I thought having your cervix rammed was just a normal part of sex.

Fuck, I wish I enjoyed anything in my life as much as Lupita enjoyed Comic-Con...

But Trump is bullying Sessions for the wrong reasons...

LW2: I’m sad because you would think I’m so boring, Jane! I can literally only think of 6 places that I’ve let a man put his penis in or on. I’m confused, curious, and disappointed in myself...

I wonder if using her own portrayal is an excuse and she’s actually irritated by the way Bette’s legacy has been dragged through the mud. Whether she came off well or not, it is pretty ridiculous that they didn’t consult Olivia for the miniseries.

Do you have a physically and/or emotionally absent father figure? I think that’s at least part of my problem. I have such an unhealthy relationship with men and I have no clue how to fix it. Why do I keep falling for men who aren’t open to loving me? How do I break this pattern? I honestly don’t know how to tell if a

Are you a people-pleaser? Is that the trap that gets you? You end up with an emotionally unavailable man and think that if you just try harder, if you just give more, if you somehow make yourself better, if you are the best partner you can possibly be, it will somehow change him? But he will never be emotionally