
But how could he afford one with only $50 and no credit card?

Unfortunate ad placement.....

I only read gawker on my phone while taking a shit. Don't throw your mobile readers under the bus just because you're unwilling to develop multi-device solutions! At least include a fallback table for mobile readers jeeeez.

That's what happens when a bar has lax security.

phish phans?

shame on you.


It kills me when I read a story like this and then get to the comments only to see immediate rape jokes. I know it's only a few of you who think it's really funny to make fun of the testimony of a dead rape victim, but seriously, that's pretty fucking evil. It makes me want to throw up.

It's the plural of boobs.

Daaaaammmmmnnnn those ladies are fiiiiiiiiiined!

"I'm not a bigot! I'm not bi-anything! That's fucking disgusting!"

I am so proud of you for saying the things I want to say, but don't want in my comment history.

I'm ashamed of myself. +1

You're an idiot and this is why we have the rape culture we do in our country. 2% of rapes are falsely accused. Fuck you for your victim blaming bullshit.

"Then, to top it off, they got the worst fans in the NFL throwing snowballs the entire fourth quarter like kids."

His estimation was about 40 miles off

I just howled with laughter for a straight minute. And I'm a wife. +1

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."