
I understand your point, though to me, links in the article compose part of the article. In fact, I have been admonished many times on Jezebel for having commented without having read the original sources.

It’s also hard and personal to judge Good Writing. You have to have read a wide range of books and come up with informed opinions regarding the quality of different kinds of writing. You also have to have the confidence to assert those opinions.

I really hate this idea that supporting an individual’s work entitles you to access into their identity and private lives, or that being successful means that a person owes the world at large information about themselves.


Identity is currency in this day and age. Anyone who tries to hide behind a pen name or an image is a curiosity. A weird aberration. People somehow need to know. I don’t know why. It’s like some people are insulted that someone would hide their real identity in this oversharing day and age. People feel like they’re

You’re right. Us silly Euro trash folks only have tabloid mags. All the real journalists are ‘Muricans, who are carefully dissecting Donald Trump’s campaign right now.

Logic dictates that either Italy is some kind of Third World hellhole of incompetence and devil-believing lawyers where people are convicted for no reason, and therefore we will never really know what happened here, or it is a fairly decent system that proved Guede’s guilt but also found significant evidence that

Did they explain why, for example, Knox and Sollecito claimed to have slept until 10 AM if there is proof to the contrary? Was the proof fabricated? Or why Amanda changed her alibi?

I didn’t question it, but it honestly baffles me. If people are so, so, so adamant that every shred of evidence against Amanda was tampered with and/or a product of a deeply corrupt system, how can they so nonchalantly believe, without a second of doubt, that the verdict against Rudy, delivered by the same system, is

I tried to question this in the other thread - if the DNA lab was incompetent when they found Sollecito’s DNA, how are they super competent when they prove Guede’s DNA? It is the same lab, after all. People didn’t like it.

White blonde, blue eyed and pretty American girl who first tried to frame an innocent black man as the murderer= innocent

The evidence was overwhelming. Amanda Knox was convicted on more evidence than was used to convict Scott Peterson & serial killer Rose West and mob boss Whitey Bulger.
In America, the Uk, Australia, Canada, Ireland and many other western nations, her conviction would have been finalised right after her trial. Only in

I will readily admit that I have no confident opinion on the horrific murder of Meredith Kercher and probably never will. But what remains sharply resonant is the performance and steadfast manipulation of facts by both the media and the Italian justice system, really not unlike our own here in the States. The truth is

I don’t trust the character of someone who apparently feels no guilt about his part in a night that led to someone’s suffering and suicide. I can’t imagine doing anything that led to such an outcome and then not feeling guilty about it, whether my actions were deplorable or completely innocuous.

Seem a little early for an Oscar release. I think they ain’t even worried about it.

This article wasn’t critique. It was a desperate attempt to be offended when nothing is offensive. Are you behind on your quota for the month?

Yes, words and metaphors are important but so is taking something in the spirit intended. You’re calling something albeist for using a common metaphor. That’s not constructive criticism.

I really don’t think it’s abelist to celebrate the athletic achievements of a group of women as a metaphor for women’s advancements. We have to be able to celebrate all different kinds of women. And, as rebeccacunningham noted by posting that ridiculous SNL song about not being able to write a song for all women
