
Bertie, your shit may fly in lesser GMG sites, but here you’re just more boring white noise with no one to care about you.

Come in legally or stay out. Says the descendant of people who broke over 500 treaties with native tribes as they stole their land. “Nation of laws” my ass.

Oh the loveliness of our White “allies”.

For fuck’s sake, stop giving White people a pass. The choice was between a bland, middle of the road candidate and Satan himself. Blacks and Latinx made the right choice.

Dud” you go fuck yourself? Because you should go fuck yourself. Always go fuck yourself.

And again...


AS the son of a naturalized citizen, all I can say is: 

After having marathoned the new season of Bojack Horseman I have a bit of difficulty reading “thoughts and prayers” in any sort of serious way, no matter how tragic this is.

I think it’s obvious to say don’t bring the trolls out of the greys.

Well, the man himself might be a terrible person, but no parent should outlive their children. That’s always a terribly sad thing.

I have the feeling people have ‘changed those around around them’ regarding you quite often in your life - and it’s not merely because you ‘tell the truth’.

If you want to lose your faith in humanity, take a look at the fuckwits on Twitter posting things like “if my kid did that [give dap to an opponent], I’d kick his ass” or declaring sportsmanship to be evidence that today’s children are soft.

That is really interesting to watch.

Yep. If I had a dollar for all the people in my life who’ve said “you have to forgive X! It’s not a purity test!” and turned out to be absolutely vile people.

more evidence of your blind privilege: the fact that you can look at these issues as merely “political” and not “life threatening.” enjoy your cake.

It’s a troll. (They are thick on the ground today.)

The author did not mix the two, the mother brought the politics and the toxicity. Fuck off and think about why people cut you off from their lives.

Well said, Lana, and same here. I’ve in my experience, after decades apart these same people start slowly back in with micro-aggressions that quickly become macro-aggressions, and they use the attempt at reconciliation as an opportunity for them to beat on you and try to prove they were right all along. That shirt!

As the saying goes, “You are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.”