I agree with you, but please delete the post from nic10....
That is disgusting and terrible. Sorry you had to go through that!
No truer words were ever said....
So sorry!
Call Consumer Credit Counseling. It is a government program that is free. They will help you get this figured out. They will at least be able to advise you how to go about it.
Time for a new doctor!
Hey, I’m over 50+ and a feminist. Sometimes it’s not about shaming women. Did you see the pictures of the Rolling Stones? Dear God, they look like they are dead. I love the music, but watching Jagger strut is hysterical. I’m afraid he will be breaking his hip.
My mother got pregnant with me on her honeymoon and was so embarrassed that she wouldn’t admit she was pregnant. To be fair, she had been dating my dad for about seven years and decided on a whim they were going to get married in a week. She was horrified that everyone would be counting the months before I was born.…
I can't watch this show because of her abuse. The girls are very talented and Abby has obviously has some talented teachers and choreographers behind the scenes, but she is a cruel, vindictive witch.
Well, only with my cat. Occasionally I have to overt my eyes.
She does! And that chihuahua really does look like Steve Buscemi. My chihuahua just looks creepy.
Soooodo I, I want to frame it in a fancy gilt frame and put it in the middle of some of my art! I hang paintings salon style, it would be perfect just off center!
I got to see Carlin, 99% funny 1% to catch my breath.
Great comment!!!
Just to let you know... my daughter was in wardrobe for show Aubrey was in. She is as mean and actually unclean as you would expect.... lots of skid marks on the costumes.
Only the poor, brown and oppressed. The white christian republican women are probably cheering this travesty on.
I have said that before.... It's something that my dad used to say and I think of him. I don't give a shit if it pisses you off. I have worked for many bosses over the years, some of whom were actual sociopaths, and having to serve a friendly customer would have been a pleasure. If that is what upsets you, you must…
Mine is now 26... I survived, he survived and he is a smart, nice, hardworking human being. I love him dearly. It gets better!