
I think that th

Praise science is a great phrase! I am happy for your brother. Mine died just before the cocktails came out. I wish he had lived long enough to have had that option. I loved him dearly.

No, you still love them enough to get them help.

I am an Episcopalian and my church here in Las Vegas been accepting of gays for at least 25-30 years. It was the only church that reached out to the guy community when the AIDS crisis hit. Lucky us, we were even picketed by the WBC.

My cats are especially not happy.... Although my dogs are ecstatic. So that might cancel the cats out.

I can't imagine what that must be like to lose your family. My brother died of AIDs 20 years ago. My family supported him and loved him completely. I can't imagine what goes through the minds of these people, my folks are from the Midwest bible belt and rejection was never an option.

Funniest damn headline I've seen in a while.

Wow! That is a huge shark! I would put up with the shark poop just to see that animal!

Which stupid man? There are several candidates in the Dirt today.

I'm also glad to see her so happy. And it's a good impression.


I don't know whether to laugh or weep at your comment. Probably both.

Sadly, possibly true.

Wow, that is only 1 generation. That probably does explain a lot...

No, it is barely 1/3 white. it is 70% black. Thank god there are voter registration drives going on in Ferguson now.

I always thought that he should get combat pay. She must be really difficult to live with and he seemed to handle it with grace.

ok sweetheart. Confrontation of white privilege starts with acknowledgment of the benefits you have received from it. Making sure that you raise your children so that they are part of the solution and not the problem; that you vote intelligently and contribute to our political process to try to change the

I fostered a 3 weekold kitten whose mother had died. I did the clean the butt stuff and socialized the little monster. It was a failed foster.. I kept him and love him to pieces.

Your mom sounds great! I have been snickering because I do the same things with my adult children. I would like to get that app for my youngest. . But I think it would backfire. Somehow the app would end up on my phone.

I will look it up! Thanks!