Beth Kensinger

Is it just me or does Prometheus' mom live in Barry Allen's childhood home?

Don't you think that they would have settled the question of family name before the wedding? I mean, a wedding at this level is HIGHLY negotiated, and the fact that she would be queen someday was never in doubt. I'm shocked that this question was left until after George VI's death.

Wow. Being complicit in global nuclear annihilation makes Ruve one of Star City's "better mayors"? That's a pretty low bar, there.

I really don't want to give more brain space to the awful Kendra/Carter backstory, but won't they stop reincarnating once Vandal is dead? So this might, indeed, be the last iteration of Carter. And if "time will have its way", the other ones are already dead. That's the ONLY way Kendra's decision not to kill Vandal

"The head has been cut." Really? Could you signal any more clearly that Hydra will be back??

This will forever be John Hannah to me.

I've been wishing for years that it would be available on eve or streaming. I finally found it on YouTube to watch last week after he died. I can't comment about on the legality, but I've been trying legally to buy it for years to no avail. Beautiful movie.

Where is The 100 in this list??

Joe Versus the Volcano, for the win!!

Gandalf is currently a grey wizard, not white. Just saying.

You are making my head hurt. You don't like the Charlie Brown Christmas special because it's "too religious". There are those who don't find the fact that "Christmas" celebrates the birth of Christ to be unpleasantly out of date. I get that Christmas has become quite secular in mainstream American culture, and if