*Melissa Joan *Farts*, it was right there.
*Melissa Joan *Farts*, it was right there.
Nice try. We all know Canada is fictional, like Arendelle.
I mean his target audience is white suburban trump-voting ladies who wear giant gold cross necklaces without a shred of irony. So I’m not shocked
What does this mean for me and the widowed ranch owner I’m currently dating?
My favorite part is that this bestselling ‘author’ of ‘books’ closed an email with ‘Hope your well’. Because of course he did.
In an era where beloved figures are being revealed as giant pieces of shit, it’s nice when, every once in a while, someone you already hate turns out to truly be dogshit.
I’m confused. If I’m supposed to love my neighbor as myself, and I am male, doesn’t that mean ... Nicholas, could you weigh in here?
I like to think that if there actually was a god, he/she/they’d tell Christians to fuck off quite a while ago.
Or if there was a god...
I think you meant to post this in the Yahoo comments section where every out of touch derp is proud to post their ignorance on any given subject by typing “Who?” on every single fucking article.
I’m learning that men don’t like women defending themselves from sexual harassment and also don’t like articles making fun of the men who don’t like women defending themselves from sexual harassment because god forbid something isn’t about them for once.
I’m learning there is always going to be someone like you in the comments.
I loved how she’d just show up wherever they were with no explanation, too.
I’m really not about to knock it for that. Can’t Hardly Wait had a couple actors in their mid-20s, Jonah Hill was in his mid-20s when he did Superbad. I think moviegoers are used to high school kids looking like college kids.
Just got back from this. It was funny, but not laugh-a-second funny. What it was was an actual good movie. It hit all the emotional notes, even for this 37-year-old straight, white male. Been a fan of Kaitlyn Dever since her Justified days, and Beanie Feldstein’s facial expressions alone could carry a movie. And a…
I can’t overstate this enough: This movie is fucking hilarious. Olivia Wilde hit a grand slam in her first ever at-bat.
I’m surprised someone from Last Man Standing was able to be in something of value.
People... like... something? WHAT’S HAPPENING? This is a TRICK of some kind!
Jesus dude all your comments regarding a movie you haven't seen yet are just shitting on because? Everything ok at home?
And now I’m even more annoyed that my dumb movie theater isn’t showing this.