
wish I could laugh but you do realize in your drunken attempt at humor that Giuliana had breast cancer... computer tit comment not funny...


great point! only reason he doesn't speak up about #PedophileWoody is that his TALENTLESS one dimensional annoying actress wife and wannabe actress daughter might get cast in a WoodyAllen flick... Cosby is a RoofieRapist and Woody is a daughter marrying pedophile - call 'Em like they are...

ugh why does RACE always have to come into play? some prefer blondes some prefer short petite girls and some prefer Caucasians he didn't say I HATE ANY OTHER RACE ... I know a Chinese guy (my neighbor) who only dates Chinese -he goes as far as to say "Vietnamese are not attractive" I'm not offended and feel he thinks

even on Jesus bday, we can't get a goddamn break from stupid #KarTRASHian "news"? seriously how many fucks can I not give about any of these fame whores? isn't the word AMISH that *RayJ's monthly inCUM generator means?

Joy for PRESIDENT of everything! she shut them down! I swear I sawHumility and eyes welling up with tears when their mama broke it down all real and shit! #Joy2016

I never had a chance to dorky dance with my dad... reading this makes me realize what I missed... I'm sorry he's not here for you but you have those awesome dad dancing without a care memories!

isha YOURE A BIGOT for actually defendin Banks BULLYING and unjustified attack on another artist. It is racist to say rap is for "blacks only" yet rappers say it all the time when dissing white rappers... you can't have it both ways-that perpetuates the us agaisnt them BS that people like MLK fought to tear down. Iggy

Shows how one sided and ignorant you are-SNOOP dresses in WHITE FACE mockingly calling himself TODD yet no one blinks a racism eye. Iggy goes as a MOVIE CHARACTER and all you hipster radicals call her racist? get your facts straight -she was doing it in response to his nasty comments about her looks. If she's "so