She sits there huffing & puffing. She is not suitable for the View. I like Ana Navarro.
She sits there huffing & puffing. She is not suitable for the View. I like Ana Navarro.
I am so fucking sick of this shit. Mainstream and prominent conservatives endlessly mocked Michelle Obama for having the audacity to look good while wearing fairly moderate sleeveless dresses and wanting to ensure children ate well! They both intimated as well as outright called her a man and a monkey/ape! Those that…
All I got from that clip was “I’m stupid because I’m angry so don’t explain I’m angry because I’m stupid! Why won’t anyone... thing?! I forget! Gah!”
“I Fucked Up: Why nobody should hire me or take me seriously” is already copyrighted by Robby Mook for his upcoming kiss-and-tell. Forward by DW Schultz!
Exactly. Same vein as preferring to be known as a smartass than a dumbass
Come on, come on. We can want the ruling cabal of the DNC gone without comparing them to Trump. NO, they are not the same. We wouldn’t be facing a fight against mass deportation if she’d been elected.
Phillipe Reines’ job was to get good press for Hillary Clinton during the election. Hard to argue that he wasn’t historically terrible at his job. Unless his book is titled “I Fucked Up: Why nobody should hire me or take me seriously,” I don’t know why anyone should care.
Trump’s people also fancy themselves bare-knuckle brawlers, even though they’re marshmallows... and you’d never accuse ONE of them of being too clever by half.
I wouldn’t mind seeing the results normalized for the number of people who go there, because the top 10 are all major tourist destinations and I’m thinking that skews the results a bit.
Kauai is by far my favorite island, but if I were going I would stay near Poipu on the south side or Hanalei on the north side. Realistically though, you can go pretty much anywhere on on a day trip so Kapaa would be kind of in the middle and convenient that way.
Two reporters in the past decade (I think, could be longer). Both murders unsolved. The Guardian had an article where Novaya Gazeta was expressing concern for their security after threats and it was mentioned.
“Honey , cancel our trip to Chechnya.”
The fuck is with countries and their “Gays? What gays?” rhetoric?
But being gay is TOTALLY a choice, right? I mean who wouldn’t choose to be tortured by armed thugs and have to fear for your life? /s
It’s like Jesus Camp on steroids.
I am quite certain a Novaya Gazeta reporter, Anna Politkovskaya was murdered for reporting on atrocities from the Chechen wars a few years back, she is not the first, she is not the last. I fear for the lives of the folks reporting on this.
Step 4 should be: