
In fairness I wouldnt expect anyone to go into detail about an injury following an attack from their abuser. I tend to take isolated texts with a grain of salt as to how literal they are, especially in abuse cases. Victims cover for their abusers a lot. Combining this with his other text of cutting his left finger off

And her exes are apparently coming forward to give declarations against her. There is just so much about this case Jez refuses to write about. 

Which is hilarious because she in fact got arrested for being abusive to a past partner.

It makes me wonder if shes simply just full of shit. 

They’re real and Jez has steadfastly refused to bring up anything surrounding them, because the absolute most important issue here is to always appear to be right

Theyre real. They were recording during their marriage as an attempt to work thru shit. 

Of course no mention or article of the Amber Heard audio from a month ago painting her as the abuser. Just going to ignore all of that because it doesn’t fit the narrative being pushed here.

Aren’t there apparently recordings of her abusing him or are they fake? I haven’t Heard them yet, so I sadly can’t bring about internet justice. Do either of them have Covid-19 yet?

Along with the pile of horseshit these women have had to deal with, the knowledge that the US Soccer Federation is obviously wasting the ladies' hard-earned prize money on some shit lawyers must be particularly galling.

You’d think with the education Cindy Crawford could afford to provide for her children, he’d at least be able to parse a sentence. Or is that part of that whole “look how street I am even though I’m a rich white boy from Calabasas” thing?

Sometimes I think this particular author just says weird and contrary shit to get clicks and comments.

God, Presley Gerber seems fucking insufferable. If I were Cindy, I would start to distance myself from him (kidding). 

I thought the same thing about crapping on Keanu. I also don’t get the extreme reaction to the Nick Offerman question. The character was someone who isn’t trust the government and lived off the grid.  It’s not crazy - especially in a late night comedy talk show - to ask how Ron Swanson would react to all the

What is so bad about Nick’s response? That is exactly what Ron would do.

She’s cool as fucking hell.” The writer’s still figuring out their craft, I think

I am confused, why can’t we have a Ron Swanson what if???

Why are you crapping on Keanu to build up his girlfriend? I also don't really get why this interview makes her seem soooo cool. But whatever.

You forgot the prominent and repeated use of the term “appearance of impropriety”, because after all, it’s clearly worse for Democrats to seem corrupt, than for Republicans to be corrupt, under the well-known IOKIYAR principle.

“If we do it both, 100%,” Don Jr. said. “Let’s talk about who profited off of whose public service. Happy to do it. Let’s make it happen.”

Hunter Biden is the AJ Soprano to Trump’s Joffrey