
First world problems mate, why do you give yourself made up shit to worry about?

Nice wrdsalad, racist.

Yeah, maybe keep that shit for your trashy universities and politics, and leave it out from entertainment. Or if you really have to "push" this shit, create your own IP's and franchises based on these "values", instead of pushing and forcing them into already existing ones.

This article and the two first comments deserve an intergalactic facepalm.

Lol, except it wasn't.

Who cares? Just let this trash die.

Is the combat still trash tho? Because the previous one had such a lame system, it was more than laughable.

Because the fact that nobody from the OG team is still around, or in a capacity to really matter, that the IP is at Konami, and that the remake is in the hands of a shitty mid tier dev didn't make you worry?

Nice writing????? Where?

After wasting years and a shitton of money on that multiplayer spinoff, and having a new unproven IP floating around, it was inevitable that they would reach for the lifeboat solution and shit out a sequel to finish the trilogy. Especially now that the series has ignited a second wind of goodwill and interest in the

After 12hrs? The whole thing has like 10hrs of content in it. Max.

Since when are these considered racist??? So, if an american is depicted with guns in his hands, hamburger/hot dog in his mouth, on a mobility scooter while being morbidly obese and riding in the sunset with a bald eagle in the sky, and then a frenchman is depicted with snails crawling on its face and a baguette under

Let the schilling begin...

“We believe that our team has created some of the best-looking cosmetic items ever,”


Still better than anything Bethesda or Ubisoft "writers" can do.

Your game looks like a dime-a-dozen shovelware junkshow, and this was not an opportunity to schill it.

Meh, only Like Dragon is worth something, even though it went downhill with that crappy tbs system. Oh well, I guess more people can "play" it this way.

I really don't see the harm, working on one off menial shit like a single image for a shitty twitter post is not really why someone puts years into their art anyway, and if the visible errors are dealt with, there is really no need to bother a real person to waste hours of their precious time on shit like this.

Why? Because it is a vapid, boring piece of junk that doesn't even try to grasp your imagination. Characters are dull as a doorknob , the writing is less than second grade, gunplay is sub par, graphics are laughable compared to contemporary games in the genre and it's so fucking toothless and bland that a Hallmark