
Love how you still are trying to drag out the “bonkers child hitting version” as if that defines the character because god forbid he slapped Selina Kyle once for lying to his face about committing cold blooded murder and making Bruce an accomplice - but sure, slapping a kid once for murder makes you a child hitter but

Where is the mention of Sean Pertwee as Alfred? The only reason this show even had the chance of existing is because people took note of his Alfred portrayal in Gotham and how much of a badass he is in the show. This show exists because people cared about Alfred on Gotham as one of its stand out characters.

I love how Alfred slapped Selina ONCE and suddenly he’s treated as if he’s this horrible child abuser as if he’s gone around slapping children all the time.

What is so shocking about it? I don’t get the fuss here honestly, wasn’t it just last season people were shouting about giving Alfred his own badass prequel series so why is this somehow that surprising? They can just as easily make this about young Alfred and his military days and how he finds friendship with Thomas