
I dunno, man, polite white girl is my first language and when it results in a miscommunication I:

Misleading = Lying

Agree agree agree!!

Then you don't get to whine about it later. Simple.

This is mostly what I’ve been thinking. Rihanna might not care, but I find it infuriating to see her have to lipsync lyrics TS provided in the video. I would have been so pissed about that if I were her. Her level of not giving a shit inspires me.

No need to think it’s scripted. She wasn’t 100% on board with it imo but she didn’t wanna disturb the peace and just wanted to be friendly. She should’ve just been honest with him from the start because he seemed like he really didn’t want her to feel bad

Kanye says “relatioships are more important than punchlines”, so maybe if Ms.Feminist had spoken up he wouldn’t have included her in the song. He wanted her opinion. She gave him bullshit and then cried about the bullshit? No. That’s not how that goes. You’re a 25 year old multi-millionaire. Stand up for yourself for

The cherry on top is Selena has dug herself into a shitty illogical hole while defending Taylor, and basically comes out seeming like she doesn’t give a fuck about BLM. jeeeesus Christ